
Little miss baby has bangs! They are very cute. Jared cut them last week--a little on the short side but (a) that's a rite of passage, and (b) they'll be the perfect length within a week or two. Alice wouldn't sit still so they're a bit uneven--oh well! I hesitated to let Jared do it, but he does SUCH a good job cutting his own hair and Jack's hair, and since he's willing and wanting to be the family haircutter, the best thing for him to do is practice. If we had family pictures coming up I'd take her to a professional but otherwise it's just so convenient (and cheap) to have Jared cut the kids' hair.

We had a sweet Valentine's date last week. On Jared's day off (Tuesday) we drove half an hour to the nearest Nordstrom to return some too-big boots I got for Christmas. Our plan was to have a Valentine's lunch date afterward, but Alice had run out of steam and started screaming by then. I knew a sit-down lunch would be a bad idea, but I also was bitter at the thought of skipping it and going home, so we pivoted and buckled Alice into the car, turned on a show for her to watch (she only recently developed the attention span for this to work and I am very happy about this milestone), went through a Shake Shack drive-thru by the mall, and had a car lunch date in the mall parking lot. It was really fun! We'd never had Shake Shack and it was good. The shake was great, the crinkle fries outstanding. The burgers weren't anything spectacular but the company was perfect. I didn't get any pictures, but here are some other pictures from our week:

^^Jared taking the kiddos for a bike ride. 
^^Valentine's Morning. Jack had a great day exchanging Valentines at school. For dinner we made pizzas with heart-shaped pepperonis.
^^Jared playing with the kids after work.
^^I spent many more hours and weeks on this gallery project than I'd like to admit, but I am so happy with how it turned out. I learned a lot about scale, color, paint, and framing. I love seeing pictures of all the places we've lived and family moments whenever I'm sitting on our couch now. 

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