Jack Turns Six

Jack turned six yesterday! He's growing up so fast. Luckily he's not sad about it. Last night when I was in his bathroom getting his toothbrush ready I overheard him singing to his stuffed bunny: "Oh ya! Woo-hoo! I finally turned six!" I love him so much. I asked Jack a few birthday questions and here are his answers:


-favorite thing to do: play chess with grandpa

-what animal would you want to be? a dingo

-where would you like to visit? a beach

-what do you want to be when you grow up? paleontologist

-best friend: mom (to be fair I gave him some wiggly eyebrows on this question, which definitely swayed his answer haha)

-what would you buy with a million dollars? a huge huge huge huge dinosaur toy

-what are you most proud of? Alice learning to walk (cuuute)

-what do you like to do with your family? go to utah (we told him we'd be visiting Utah over spring break and his eyes lit up so bright)


-book: his dinosaur encyclopedia

-animal: cheetah

-color: blue

-food: pizza

- snack: yogurt

-dessert: ice cream

-game: stratego

-sport: flag football

-drink: root beer

-song: "everything in its right place" by Radiohead (heavily swayed by Jared)

-movie: Cars

-fruit: watermelon

-hobby: making legos

And now some pictures from our week:

^^I didn't get many pictures from Jack's birthday, but Jared's parents and brother came over for Jack's favorite dinner: pizza. We grabbed two Papa Murpheys take n' bake pizzas the day before, and Jared grabbed a Costco chocolate cake. Birthday party Jared does it again! Normally I'd make dinner and cake myself, but I'm grateful Party Dad got excited and took care of everything because I ended up sick all weekend and stayed in my room during dinner. Jack had a really great birthday. His favorite gifts were legos, hot wheel tracks, and a web swing we will be installing next week.
^^He missed having me at his birthday dinner so he brought up two of his present to open with "just mom and Jack" in my room while everyone else was downstairs eating cake. I loved having this special moment just me and Jack. We got him a Yoto player for Christmas, but then we had too many Christmas gifts so I held it back for his birthday. I really love having a kid with a February birthday. It's long enough after Christmas that I can recover from holiday gift buying, but close enough to Christmas that I can easily pull a few gifts if there's too much going on at Christmas and use them for his birthday. So the buying of the birthday gifts is very low stress. We'll see how much mileage the yoto gets. It's kind of like a modern-day cassette player, and you can buy cards that have music, kid podcasts, or audiobooks for the player. I thought it would be a great purchase especially for long car rides to Utah. He seems only mildly interested now but I'll keep you posted on how helpful it is on our next drive to Utah.

^^This isn't the first time I've said it and it won't be the last, but I am REALLY missing our prairie across the street in this stage of toddlerhood. Alice wants to be outside walking around ALL the time, but that ends up being stressful when all you have out your front door are streets and other people's cars and yards. The prairie was so nice with Jack at this age because I could actually relax while he wandered and explored. The only thing similar we have here is my favorite Glenmore forest walking trail, but it's a hassle to drive 12 minutes to get there. The prairie across the street was so nice because I didn't have to do the carseat battle and we could go out there 10 times a day if we wanted. Sigh. Wyoming, you were really good to us. 
^^Jared and Alice going for a walk
^^Me and Alice play a game when she wakes up where we pretend to feed her stuffed animals from her bottle and then pretend they burp, and she thinks it's hysterical every time. 10 out of 10 baby entertainment.

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