Sick Little Turkeys

It has been a loooong, wonderful, sickly weekend. Jack picked up a brutal cold at school last week, then it made its way through Alice over Thanksgiving, then Jared, then me. I'm grateful it was just a cold! We can handle that. Thanksgiving was wonderful. We brough stuffing, rolls, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, and a pie to Jared's parents for a cozy little Thanksgiving with them and with Jared's brother Will. Alice wanted to be held by me and only me the whole time (poor sick baby) which was a bit of a challenge, but I keep telling myself, "This is a season!" She won't want me holding her 24/7 forever. 

We also celebrated Jared's birthday over the weekend. He wanted to see the ocean on his birthday, so we drove to a new park overlooking the sound and played for a bit before having Jared's parents over for dinner and opening presents. I sure am grateful for such a wonderful life partner. He's endlessly patient and kind. The funnest Dad. The gentlest doctor. The most selfless spouse. I always love a reason to celebrate Jared.

^^Garage picnic after Jack got home from school. Alice and I always pick him up at the bus stop down the road and then park the stroller back in the garage before going inside for a snack. We decided to do our snack in the garage this day and Alice looked so cute and grown up on her own little bench.
^^Savvy's first time EVER showing Jack an ounce of affection, when he was sick.
^^Sick babies.
^^On our way to Thanksgiving! Carseat straps have since been raised. But the focus here are his cool dude sunglasses and Thanksgiving crown. Kindergarten crowns 4ever.
^^Sick baby times at Thanksgiving. But look how festive we are!
And now we are in full Christmastime mode! This is the first year probably ever that we have finished most of our Christmas shopping before November. I want to focus on Christmas traditions and coziness all December. We're off to a great start with paper snowflakes filling up our windows and the Home Alone soundtrack on repeat. 

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