Cozy Christmas Season

Happy December! Two Jack highlights from the week. Highlight #1 was when he made a pet cow out of cardboard boxes and empty toilet paper rolls, then cut a hole for the mouth and spent all week feeding it garbage hahaha. Highlight #2 is this joke he made up yesterday: "What starts with 'f' and flies through the air? It's a freindeer!"

Other highlights from the week . . . we are all healthy again! The house is very cozy for Christmas. It is filled to the brim with paper chains and wallpaper stars and paper snowflakes and festive kindergartner drawings. Childhood magic. We had two ward Christmas parties to attend over the weekend--the first was our own party, and the second was Jared's parents that we attended because Jared's mom was having her debut performance as the lead guitarist in their ward's surprise Christmas band. The lead singer and bass guitarist was a semi-professional musician, and they all knocked it out of the park. Worth Alice screaming the whole hour down in the car. 

^^Our neighbors put on a Grinch meet-and-greet every weekend through the month of December. They've done this every year and Jack has been like NOPE. I'll pass. But now these neighbors are Jared's patients, and they invited him to bypass the sign-up list and stop in any time. So we braved the creepy Grinch for this festive picture haha.

^^We found this cozy snow suit in Alice's closet. She LOVES it. Alice loves all things soft and cozy, and just look how cute. This is going to be her daily stroller ride uniform through the month of December. 
^^Jack made a countdown to Christmas chain in Kindergarten. Every day he tears one off, changes the countdown on our family countdown board, rips a loop off of my "24 activities of Christmas" chart (they're just fun little things like "make eggnog" and "Christmas book readathon"). Then after his quiet time comes his favorite part of the day--opening a door on his lego advent calendar and building a lego creature. This December we're pulling out allll the stops. At age 5 Jack is very into all things Christmas, and it feels like we've reached an age where the memories will last the rest of his life. I also kind of worry that with how smart Jack is, the Santa magic won't last as many years as we'd like. So I've stepped up my Christmas game and we're going to have a cozy time this month!
^^I love watching these two cuties play together. Alice looks so small and Jack looks so big, but they love playing together and can get each other laughing like no one else in the family can. It's the cutest sibling bond.
^^When Jack goes to school, Alice beelines for his bathroom and shoves his toothbrush in her mouth. Little siblings gotta do some damage when they have the chance. Love this baby girl. It's probably time to get her her own toothbrush, but let's be honest--she'll still prefer Jack's.

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