More Halloween Fun

What a week! Please bless my children to adjust to daylight savings relatively quickly. I spent all last week trying to push their bedtimes later, hoping this would mean they would eventually start sleeping in later too when we turned our clocks back. Unfortunately going to bed later has had no affect on Alice's wake time so far, so sure enough, she was up for the day at 5:30 this morning. I'm planning to continue the strategy to try and keep them up later in the evening and hooooopefully the wake time will eventually follow. Alice is finally sleeping through the night, and Jack has started sleeping in a little later, so I'm focusing on gratitude. 

We had a fun Halloween. Jared's parents came to our house to celebrate. Jared's mom LOVES holiday celebrations and usually hosts a fun Halloween dinner/game night. But with Alice hating the car and Jack wanting to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood, we stayed home and they offered to bring a festive dinner. It was very cute and fun. But with neighbors showing up and trick-or-treating the night was a little hectic. I felt bad after they left when I realized we didn't play any games and Jared's parents never even got to hold Alice before she went to bed. They did get to go trick-or-treating with Jack though, so file the evening under "you win some, you lose some."

Jack had two days of no school this week for parent teacher conferences. He is doing great and is ahead of the curve in reading and math, so the goal his teacher set with him was for him to remember to turn in his reader each day. He tends to forget it in his backpack most of the time so this will be good practice for the next 12+ years of turning in homework. 

Alice's allergy bloodwork results became available this week. Nothing her allergist is too concerned about, phew. He recommended we try testing her on beef and soy in his office when we feel ready for that, but tomato he gave us the go-ahead to try at home and see if there's been improvement since the last time she had tomato several months ago. We gave her one of her favorite dinners, tomato bolognese, last night to see how she would tolerate it. No issues! Not a single hive! We'll remain cautious the next few times we try, but for now I'm so happy I could cry. Any of her allergens she grows out of is a big deal. This gives me hope that she'll outgrow more of them in the next few years. Cozy tomato soup, here we come. Here are some pictures from our week:

^^The owners of this house used to have a kid on Jack's soccer team when we first moved here. They go ALL OUT for Halloween. They made those giant spiders out of I believe pvc pipe based on a youtube video they found. The webbing is beef netting they bought on some farm supply website.
^^Mummy dogs, jack-o-lantern carved fruit cup oranges, and spooky vegetables and hot wings. So fun.
^^Alice got this hand-me-down Wonder Woman outfit from a neighbor, so I coordinated as Cat Woman. 
^^Poor baby scraped her face on our back patio on Halloween morning. She was a trouper though and we had a nice Halloween breakfast date up on the mountain.
^^Painting and carving pumpkins. Jack made a solar system out of all the pumpkins earlier in the week so he wanted to paint them to look like the planets. I think this should be a yearly tradition. Maybe we'll even paint at the beginning of October and then carve at the end. 

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