
Happy Halloween Week! Is Halloween lasting longer and longer each year, or does it just feel that way now that I have a school-aged kid? The Halloween fun has already begun. We had a busy Saturday complete with Jack's final football game, ward cabin-or-treating, a friend's birthday party, and a football end-of-season party:
 ^^Jack with his team and wonderful coaches. It's been stark this season to see the difference between Jack's flag football team and the flag football team that practices on the field next to them. The coach for the other team is kind of an angry person and it just makes me so happy that Jack's coaches are great with kids and prioritize everyone having a good time over everything else. I really hope they continue to coach for the spring season.

^^Jack wanted to be an astronaut but he also wanted to wear the dino-rider costume he got for Christmas. He went with an astronaut riding a dino. 
^^Too crazy of a day to get any of the rest of us in costume, but I did make a delicious chili for the chili cook-off so we're calling it a win. Unfortunately we had to make a speedy exit from this activity when someone handed Alice an opened bag of peanut butter m&m's while she was on my shoulders so I couldn't see what was going on. WHY. I knew someone had handed her something but I assumed it was a toy until a minute or two later I saw a peanut butter m&m fall in front of my face and hit the ground. Luckily we don't think any made it into her mouth (no dye around or in her mouth and no allergic reaction) but we hurried home just in case. Feeling very grateful the m&m fell right in front of my face and I noticed it before anything could happen. "Spooky season" has taken on a whole new meaning now that we have a peanut allergy bb.

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