Allie Gallie

After I uploaded all of my pictures to share from this week I realized that every photo is of Alice. So we are referring to this post as the Alice Gallery, shortened to "Allie Gallie."

It's been another lovely rainy fall week in the PNW. The kids have adapted-ish to Daylight Savings. They are both going to bed and waking up at acceptable times now, but Jack has been MR. GRUMPS. I am blaming daylight savings because I want to blame something, but it could also be the absence of flag football in his life 3 times a week. I have "sign Jack up for a winter sport" perpetually on my to-do list, but it keeps not happening. Huh. He's been pretty happy since school started, up until last week. I guess we all have off weeks from time-to-time. Nonetheless, Jack was awarded Cub of the Week in his class this last week! So at least he was keeping it together somewhere haha. This has been a goal of his since school started and he was so excited. Way to go Mr. Grumps. I mean Jack. :) 

Alice has learned how to stand up on her own from the middle of the floor, and she is quite pleased about this new trick. Every day I catch her practicing more and more. No steps taken yet, but we're not in a rush. 

Jared is happy. Laura is happy. Nothing big to report for us, so I guess I'll do a "what we've been consuming" check in. Here is what we have been consuming lately:

Food: French fries! We got an air fryer on sale at Costco. I have been considering an air fryer purchase for several months now and was planning on asking for one for Christmas. But between this really incredible Costco sale and my recent fried chicken experiments (they're getting more impressive every time), we pulled the trigger early. So far we've only made fries but we are already VERY impressed. Next week we'll make hot wings and Brussels sprouts. I'll try and let you know how it goes. 

TV: We've been keeping us with Loki and Goosebumps one evening a week as episodes are released. I told Jared I would not be participating in Goosebumps because I don't like scary stuff, but I got pulled in after a few episodes. It's fun and not too scary. We just started Secrets of Blue Zones (or something like that) on Netflix. Very good, would recommend.

Podcast: If you are casually interested in interior design, I have been LOVING the "Dear Alice" podcast. There are a few hundred episodes, full of tons of design tips from two extremely talented Utah designers (of Alice Lane Design) who have great banter. I'm always a happier person when I feel like I'm learning something new or developing a hobby. Having this podcast in my ears during my daily walk or while I'm making dinner scratches that itch, since hobbies and interests are otherwise pretty tough for me to find time for during the baby stage. 

Ok, here is the Allie Gallie:
(p.s. Mom, look out. On your birthday I might just post a bunch of pictures of you and call it the Valerie Gallery because the rhyme is just too good. jk, maybe)

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