32 Weeks

I'm going to do my best to eek out a blog post while it's still Monday. Temperatures have been in the high 90s here all week. It's feeling a lot like a sticky Georgia summer, but man am I grateful for these temperatures because I feel 1,000,000% justified in our air conditioning splurge this spring. Probably the best home purchase we ever have and ever will make. That said, I'm glad we'll be cooling off a bit this next week. I love when me and Jack can spend a few hours in the backyard to break a day up. He's old enough that occasionally when we're back there he'll get so engrossed in play that I can *gasp* read a book! It's a good life.

Today was nuts, in the best way. We spent last night at Jared's parents' home, celebrating his Dad's birthday and Jack picking up a new passion for bocce ball. We didn't get home until late and then Jack, of course, woke up extra early this morning with growing pains. I'm in that stage of pregnancy where I'm waking up several times each night with intense back pains, unable to ever find a comfortable position. Add on anemia and we're off to a zombie-like start to a Monday. Jared's clinic is filled with the sweetest ladies on the planet, and they threw a baby shower for us and for Jared's MA, who is due the week before us, during their lunch hour today. Jack and I met Jared at his clinic at noon and they put on the best potluck lunch on the back lawn while we opened presents. It was *very* nice to have Jack and Jared open the gifts while I kept a list of who gifted us what (made sense to have Jared open the gifts since nobody at his office really knows me). I was touched at how generous everyone was and loved getting to meet Jared's work family. One of the office ladies even hand-crocheted blankets for both of the babies being celebrated. So sweet. I wish I'd thought to snap a picture!

After the baby shower we dropped Jack off at his Grandma's and rushed to my 32-week appointment. Although my doctor is almost an hour from our house it's worked out pretty well since we've been able to schedule most appointments for Monday afternoons when Jared doesn't have work, and we can drop Jack off on the way and make a date of it. It was a pretty short appointment, but I did have to get a blood draw at the end so they could see if the iron supplement has improved the anemia situation. I'm still unreasonably exhausted most of the time so we'll see what the results are. After the appointment we split a caramel ribbon milkshake from Salt and Straw (jk I drank all of it--turns out Jared isn't a caramel guy) and then hit up Costco on our way back to Jack and a few rounds of bocce ball. And now I am sooo looking forward to crawling into bed! Ok here are some Jack pics:

^^Bocce Ball Boi, and experimenting with different methods to slide down our stair, this one involved wearing Dad's shorts and shoving a pillow in them for padding. 

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