Utahcation 2022

We spent the last week in Utah having the BEST time with family. The reason we made the trip was for an extended Roper family reunion on my side of the family. I've been to dozens of family reunions done all sorts of different ways in my life, and this reunion put on by my Grandma Roper is my favorite one for sure. It's one full day each summer at a farm in Northern Utah, tucked into a hidden valley loaded with activities: Giant downhill slip-n-slide, tractor train for the kids, a playground in the sand, swings, big pavilion for meals, zip lines, and a pond loaded with diving platforms, more ziplines, sand, slide, floating platforms, rings, climbing wall, rope swing, and lots of little kayaks. Everything's homemade and pretty janky, but wow it's a good time. Nothing is scheduled out besides meals, but we all end up doing the same activities at the same time all together anyway. It's my favorite day of the year and the only day where I get out of the car and then don't have to do anything for my child all day but lather a new layer of sunscreen on him every few hours. He has so much fun playing with all the little kids there, and me and Jared have a blast playing and catching up with all my Roper relatives. At the end of the day I leave happy and maybe wanting a bit more time to catch up with cousins, but also so pumped to go home (to my parents' home) to a familiar bed. 
^^Backing up just a bit because I'm too lazy to rearrange pictures. I put a LOT of preparation into the 14-hour drive from Washington to Utah and it panned out pretty well. I had a visual timer for Jack and a "surprise bag" every hour with a new little toy in it. Most were little tiny dinosaurs from a big dinosaur bucket. I also brought magnatiles and a cookie sheet so he could make little houses for his dinos. This kept him busy for the first third of the drive, and then the rest of the time was mostly screen time and a nap. We've come a looooong way from the miserable newborn road trips. Felt good to get a successful, long roadtrip under our belt before we go back to the baby times. I bought a potty chair for this trip in case of emergencies, but homeboy didn't ask to go potty even ONCE. Very uncharacteristic. He only had to pee once when we made him while we were outside stretching our legs on the side of the freeway in this beautiful southern Idaho field:
^^This view makes me miss Wyoming a lot. Looooove me a big field and a wide open sky with a little mountain and a big sunset. Now here are a few more shots form the reunion:
After the reunion we spent a week in Utah Valley at my parents' house visiting family and hitting our favorite UV spots. One of Jared's favorite hangs is Utah Lake. Even when it's 100 degrees outside and there's no one else out on the entire lake because the water quality is questionable. Jared was living his best life running through these shallows: 
One afternoon we went to the dinosaur museum at BYU. Jack has gotten all of his cousins in on the dino craze so this was a highlight. The number one highlight of the trip was "playing with Asher." At the end of every day I'd ask Jack what his favorite part of the day was and every single time the answer was "playing with Asher." Love these cuties:
Then we popped by the Bean Museum because, why not, and then we ran to the BYU bookstore for Jared to grab a planner. We stopped for milk and cookies in the bookstore too. It was very cute. 
^^That lovely pregnancy exhaustion glow. 
On one of our last nights, the boy cousins and their dads went on their first short lil' backpacking trip with Grandpa Haines. I was glad to be back home having a girls' night with my mom and some sisters in law, but I did end up hiking up to see the camp the next morning. Mostly I did this because a Dry Canyon hike was on my "must do in Utah" list and this was our last morning there. They just happened to be where I was going to hike anyway, which worked out because Jack was very nervous for his first camping experience and I think he was comforted by the promise that I'd come visit his campsite in the morning. I planned on just saying hi and then finishing the loop by myself and taking a nap before they got home, but I absolutely should have known that Jack would not let me leave his sight and would end up hiking back with me. At first I was annoyed but honestly I envisioned this very moment hiking down Dry Canyon trail with my little boy before I even had kids. Will be more fun next time when I'm not 7 months pregnant in 90-degree heat. But still a good time.  
^^Me and my kiddos hiking my favorite trail all together for the first time. 
^^Final day shenanigans. I'm so glad we were able to stay long enough to celebrate my dad and brother's birthdays and have one last family party. The night ended with me dumping a bowl of nausea-busting oatmeal all over myself and then breaking down in exhausted pregnancy tears and going to sleep early instead of finishing out family game night. The exhaustion and hiking pains and nausea caught up with me, but a good night's sleep did a world of good and we cranked out the drive home pretty smoothly the next day. It was NOT enough time in Utah (next time we'll have to have a lunch date, Grandma!). And I wish I hadn't been so beat that last night so I could've finished out game night and watched some Pioneer Day fireworks from the Dry Canyon parking lot. But we'll be back, Utah! Until next time. 

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