Phone Blog

Blogging from my phone in Jared's clinic, which I'm visiting for the first time EVER since we moved here almost a year ago😬 I'm going to blame preschool. We used to visit Jared for lunch like once a month when he was in residency, but now lunch time is hustle to preschool time. And since Friday is Jack's day off preschool, I usually spend the day in some version of jammies, pumped not to have to get anyone ready to leave the house. Jared's little clinic is so cute! He's pretty behind on office work but it's our date afternoon--and one of our last before Jack's done with preschool. So I'm hanging out with him here and hopefully we'll have time for a little date when he's done.

It's been a pretty good week! I'm 19 weeks along today. For the first time in my pregnancy I woke up this morning not feeling nauseated. Evenings are still icky. But I wanted to jot down some highlights from this last week:

-I don't need to use a stool to take a shower anymore! I turned a bucket upside down and had to sit on it to get through showers through my first trimester. Then it got so I only needed it if I was showering in the evening. And now I never need it!
-I'm no longer needing a zofran every day! I only needed one 2-3 times this last week. I think I'll meet my goal of being off by 20 weeks. (Still on all my antihistamine nausea meds though)
-I started easing back into taking my prenatals this week. I had to stop taking them at 6 weeks because I would vomit as soon as they hit my tongue, but now I'm able to stomache half of a dose most mornings. I learned that other than the folate in them, prenatal vitamins don't help the baby anyway, they're for mama. With Jack's pregnancy I never got to a point where I was well enough to take my prenatals so this is big for me at 19 weeks. Hopefully it won't take me a year to recover from malnourishment like it did last time.
-On the note of not being malnourished, I've officially surpassed the weight I was when I delivered Jack, and I'm so happy I could cry. Three cheers for not being confined to a sick bed or strapped to a barf bowl.

I'm doing so much better than I thought I would be by now. My only goals for the first half of my pregnancy were to survive it, and to try and take zofran less than last time to minimize some of the unpleasant side effects. Now I'm feeling up to setting some new goals for the second half of my pregnancy. Nothing too crazy:
1. Take vitamins and floss more regularly
2. Continued grace for myself--if all I accomplish during this pregnancy is just surviving, that is good enough!!
3. Have hospital bags packed and the car ready to go by the time 3rd trimester comes along. My hospital is an hour away from our house, and last time my labor moved pretty quickly so there can be no dilly-dallying when labor hits! I'm comforted knowing that if we get stuck in traffic and things move too quick, at least Jared's delivered several babies before😅
4. Light strength training for arms and pelvic floor. My last childbirth WRECKED me. This time I'm hoping to be more prepared.

Ok! That's all I've got! Time to convince Jared to save the rest of his work til tomorrow!

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