Halfway There and Feeling Sassy

20 weeks pregnant today!!!!! (or 19 weeks today if you ask my doctor, which no thanks.) I'm feeling grateful, and hopeful, and happy that it's been going by faster than the first time around. By 20 weeks things are probably about as good as they're going to get in the nausea department, so shout hallelujah because this is probably going to be my last nausea update--I'm sick of hearing myself talk about it, and I'm sure you are too. The nausea is pretty good. It's substantially improved from the first trimester, and substantially improved in comparison to Jack's pregnancy. That said, it's still there all the time. My very best pregnancy day still has me feeling worse than my worst non-pregnancy day. 

I usually wake up feeling juuust nauseous enough that Jack starts every morning off with a show while I hustle down to the kitchen to eat and take my meds, but not nauseous enough to feel in danger of throwing up. As soon as I get breakfast in me I'm doing pretty good! As long as I eat every two hours, I can keep my nausea at a 1-2/10 pretty much all day every day. It's amazing. I'm off all the heavy nausea meds and staying stable on unisom-type meds. There's definitely an ever-present queasiness but it's completely manageable. Per usual, I take a bit of a dive in the evenings. I feel nauseous enough that all I've got in me is a bath and a show, but not bad enough to throw up or have to go to bed by 8:30. It's nice to be able to stay up with Jared until the krazy hour of 9:30 before I slink off to side-sleeping heck (lifelong stomach sleeper over here). If this is the level things are going to stay at for the rest of my pregnancy, I feel ok about it. I mean, obviously I'm not pumped to have 4.5 more months of queasiness to go, but I know how much worse it could be and i AM pumped that baby is healthy and growing. So I'm feeling good about it, and now I'm officially signing off on any nausea-related blog updates (probably). Sayonara!!!!!!

Jack caught yet another gnarly cold last Monday and had to stay home from preschool all week again. Boooo. He promptly gave it to Jared, so the two of them have been coughing up a lung all week. For a while there I thought I'd avoided it, but over the weekend I got hit too. Jack is back at preschool this week though. I'll take cold symptoms in exchange for having my 12 hours of afternoon childcare a week back. 

We've got our gender ultrasound coming up in 2 weeks. Leading up to this pregnancy I was feeling the pressure for a girl because Jared has always been enamored with the idea of having a little girl and has been quite vocal about it. But due to some things that have happened in the last few months, including Jack becoming increasingly SO MUCH FUN for Jared to play with since he turned 4 (they have a blast together), Jared's perspective has shifted and I think he's hoping for another boy now lol. It's been so refreshing to feel like the pressure's off and it'll be so fun to find out either way. I feel very natural being a boy mom, but it could also be fun to have one of each. We'll see! Or maybe not--our moms are going to cringe at this, but now that we both feel equally excited about a boy or a girl, we're toying with the idea of not finding out and being surprised. Pros: might make me feel some excitement for labor instead of just dread. Cons: Jack wouldn't have these next few months to get used to the idea of getting either a brother or a sister. But in the long run that probably won't matter much. We talk daily with him about becoming a big brother and what that will look like, so that's something. I have no problem putting together a neutral nursery and adding pops of color after baby's born. We'll see! Knowing Jared we'll probably cave and find out at our appointment. I'll keep you posted either way.

Happy May! Hope she's a beaut for you all. This Sunday is my 30th birthday AND Mother's Day! Yayyyy! Before I became a mom I thought the bday/mother's day crossover was so cute. Now I'm a sassy princess that wants my birthday pushed back a month so I can have space to enjoy and come up with lavish new lists of wants between my gift-receiving holidays. Condolences to all you angels with December birthdays. Someday I will rise above the angst. That day will be in a different year when I'm not pregnant and having my 30th bday/Mother's Day crossover. Don't get me wrong though, I'm pumped for my 30s! Just wishing I had it in me to kick this decade off with more of a bang. I was pregnant on Jared's 30th birthday too, plus he had to spend his 30th birthday at a stressful residency interview in Montana. Poor guy. Glad I'm not having a birthday/job interview crossover. Yikes. Gr8 things coming in May. For real. Besides turning 30 and having a cute Mother's Day, we're getting AC installed and I'm going to get my hands on an outdoor table because it's almost patio season. Living large up in this piece. 

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