Easter Weekend 2022

Gonna cough out a mediocre blog post real quick. Last week was overall pretty good. I'm still feeling at least queasy all the time, but sometimes I'm able to not think about it. But I overdid Easter and so today I feel lousy. It was a fun weekend. We spent Saturday with Jared's parents doing their ward Easter egg hunt, going out for lunch, seeing the renovation progress on their flooded house, and going for a nature walk. Jack was 10/10 all day. So happy. Loving the attention, loving the egg hunt, all the things. Fun. I love age 4. When we got home I tried to prepare my Sunday school lesson for the next morning but just could not focus for the life of me. Evenings are just hard for me in general when pregnant, so I gave up, halfheartedly helped Jared set up and hide an Easter basket for Jack, and went to bed. 

Jack woke us up bright and early 6:30 Easter morning, pumped to go hunt for eggs. Pregnant Laura is just doing enough to get by, so there were only 5 eggs, placed in pretty obvious places, but there was a toy dinosaur in Jack's Easter basket that made up for the lackluster egg situation. I have been VERY tired this past week. Afternoons are rough to get through. I don't know if it's a second trimester thing, or if it's a bi-product of going to sleep a little later than I did in the first trimester (I mean, I'm still down for the night by 9-9:30, so nothing crazy). Anyway, after the egg hunt I needed half an hour to eat, medicate, and regulate the nausea situation. Then I downed some caffeine and prepared my Sunday school lesson. Church was nice (until we got cornered at the end and Jared was given a THIRD calling and I was asked to speak next week, for the second time in 4 months--small ward lyfe). So we went home and I got down to business with easter dinner prep. We had Jared's parents and brother over for dinner. Mama L made the besssst ham and some sides/dessert. I made 4 sides. Nothing too crazy, except that I'm at maybe half capacity right now so it took me all afternoon until they arrived. We had a delicious dinner and fun evening. It's been rare for us to spend Easter with family this last decade, so that was really nice. 

After they left my body gave up on me. My feet and back were SO sore. The belly situation is pretty intense already, and after eating such a big meal I was uncomfortable in the worst way. Plus, nauseous. Plus, I tend to have a hard time falling asleep after long social gatherings. I finally fell asleep around 1:00 a.m., and today I am feeling the effects. Nausea city. Yay. Me and Jared tried to make the most of our Monday afternoon date. We recently had the realization that Jack only has about a month left of preschool, meaning we've only got a handful more child-free Monday afternoon dates before Jack's home for the summer and then we have a baby. Our plan was to go see a movie, but as it turns out, there's only ONE movie theater within half an hour of our house, and it doesn't have any afternoon showings on weekdays. Our plan B was to drive into Arlington for an ice cream date. But there was only one ice cream shop and it is closed on Mondays. We tried two other dessert places, also closed on Mondays. At this point we were running out of time but drove 15 minutes to the next town over that has a Cold Stone. Enjoyed some ice cream, and then since there was a Costco next door we ran in for some staples before rushing home to pick up Jack. A bit of a date fail, but now we know to plan better for our next/final month of dates. 

That's about all I've got for now. Here are a few pics from our weekend (dropped the ball on Easter morning pics--I'll try and get a cute Sunday pic sometime in the next few weeks and pretend it's our Easter pic):

^^Tried to find a pic of me from this last week, but this was the only one hahaha. I can always count on Jack for these glamorous, candid pregnancy snapshots. This actually seems like a very accurate/generous portrayal of Laura in the Wild on any given pregnant day. 

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