K-razy Spring Break

Happy 16 weeks of pregnancy according to my OB and 17 weeks of pregnancy according to me! Based on my last period and baby's current measurements, I'm definitely 17 weeks along today. But they measured baby a week small at my first appointment, so they pushed my due date back a week and it seems like they're never going to correct it. Oh well. With Jack I went into labor naturally a few days before my due date so I'm not particularly worried. But when people ask my due date, I honestly just shrug haha. 

I had my 16-week appointment today. Thank goodness we switched it to a virtual appointment, because my doctor had to run in for an emergency c-section and they would've had to reschedule an in-person visit and I would have spent my entire day driving to and from Kirtland for nothing. Instead they just called me, told me he'd be late, asked if he could call me for a quick phone appointment instead of the virtual video appointment, and an hour later I had a 10-minute phone check-in and was done. Amazing. Phone-call OB appointments 4evr and evr amen. (Obviously I'll go in for my 20-week ultrasound, but whenever possible I will be scheduling virtual appointments from here on out.)

This last week was "Spring Break." There was one day that hit 70 degrees and another day that snowed big huge fluffy snowflakes. Nothing that stuck, though. Jack was pretty much over his cold, but Jared and I both caught a cold (not sure if it was the same one or a different one Jared brought home from work) and are still recovering. It hasn't been too bad except for if I accidentally cough too deeply I have to order everyone to STOP MOVING AND TALKING RIGHT NOW!!!! and then hold very still and not breathe for 30 seconds while I wait for this awful wave of "girl you gonna puke" to slowly roll through my entire body and hope I can just ride the wave until it passes. I'm very grateful this cold came at 16 weeks instead of last month, because I would have been puking at every cough if I was 12 weeks along, but at 16 weeks I was narrowly able to hold the pukes off. Hallelujah! I still have rough nausea times most days, but I truly think I might be done with the vomiting this pregnancy. (Keep in mind that I'm still needing to be on FOUR kinds of nausea meds to maintain this level of functionality, and I'm still very nauseous every evening. Woof. Thank uuuuuu meds. Could be so much worse rn.)

Jack's strong dinosaur phase continues. He has a children's encyclopedia of dinosaurs, and he knows the names of like 50 different species. I took him to Lake Roesiger on the 70-degree day this last week and he played dinosaurs with other kids on the beach most of the time. Very cute. Here are some pictures from our week!

^^Jack made this war headband and glued it to his hair. Yes, glued it. And I watched him do it. And I am so tapped out when pregnant that I didn't do a single thing to try and stop it. Today he painted dinosaurs with straight-up undiluted FOOD COLORING. Do you know how bad that stuff stains? And guess who went and fetched the food coloring for him when he requested this activity? Yup. This pregnant gal. I am soooo tapped out. You want it, you got it. Cookies for breakfast? Awesome, have at it. Non-pregnant Laura makes responsible parenting decisions. Pregnant Laura literally cannot be bothered to make a single responsible parenting decision. Good thing Jared's here in the evenings so Jack can eat a vegetable and get his teeth brushed once a day. The bar is LOW here right now, but I know it's just for a time and season and everyone's gonna be OK. 
^^Savvy used to get 2 runs a day when we lived across from open prairie in Wyoming. Now she lives in a crowded neighborhood in Washington with a pregnant lady and doesn't get out NEARLY enough. Whenever she gets taken for a decent walk in the woods it's zoomie central. 
^^I love these dudes.

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