Sunnier Days Ahead!

13 weeks pregnant and I'm starting to feel optimistic that I'm sloooowly turning a corner on the nausea situation! Last week I wrote that I swing between feeling 3/10 nausea (low) to 10/10 nausea (high) throughout the day. And most of the day was spent in the numbers closer to 10. But today is the first day where I've been feeling a solid 2/10 nausea for most of the day. I absolutely have to make sure to keep up with my meds and be eating protein every 1-2 hours or I take a nosedive pretty quickly. And I know that as evening comes along the nausea will ramp up and I'll be miserable by my 8:00 bed time. But I've been productive the whole time Jack's been at preschool today--walking the dog, downloading photo editing software to our computer, blogging--which is absolutely HUGE for pregnant Laura. Last time around I wouldn't have been functional enough to do that many things in a day until I was maybe 30 weeks along. I've been doing this long enough to know that for every good day there are likely 2 or 3 awful days coming, but I'm getting through it. This last week I only threw up 3 times, which is great for me. Still reliant on all the snacks and all the meds, but things are starting to look up!

Since I've got my photo editing software back up and running, here are a few pics from my DSLR camera. Haven't taken any photos since Jack's bday so these are throwbacks from last month.

^^Jack is the main person using my camera these days. Love that for him, and for the documentation of my gLaMoRoUs pregnant self. This was probably taken in the evening, after my shower, eating my last bowl of Great Grains cereal for the night. If I don't eat something RIGHT before bed, I'll end up tossing and turning, fighting the nausea for an hour, and eventually losing and grabbing my trusty bedside barf bowl. Gr8 times.
^^A happy, bike-riding Jackie boy. I love age 4 so much. Definitely my favorite age so far. I love the conversations we have and watching him be creative and strategize when we play together. Last night he grabbed Jared's planner and started "writing" in it and telling us the schedule he was planning out for tomorrow. "First I'll wake up and have breakfast. Then I'll get ready for the day. Then me and mama will have a dance party. And then we'll snuggle!" And he actually is starting to write, and do a pretty good job. He sounded out and wrote "REED BOOK" all by himself. Even though it's not what I originally pictured, I'm so glad I'm able to experience the joy of a 4-year-old before our next baby arrives. For me personally, it will help to know that there is so much joy and life beyond the baby and toddler years, and to enjoy those young years while they last because they're fleeting. 

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