I like vacuums

Well hey! It's been another slow January week. The sun is setting noticeably later each night, which is giving me some hope that winter might not last forever. This winter actually hasn't been nearly as bad as last winter. The roads have felt less icy, the days have seemed sunnier, and hey, no one's gotten the flu. Thank u face masks. I guess we'll do a brief catch-up, followed by the only two pictures on my camera roll this week.

Jared has been enjoying a more relaxed schedule in his hematology rotation. He's even taken up riding the stationary bike in our living room before work. He's had to jump through some unexpected hoops to get his Utah rotation finalized (his program coordinator is taking a verrrrry hands-off approach to 2021), which caused a bit f a frenzy last week, but looks like everything's all set again. 

I am apparently rushing toward my 30s with vigor. Not only am I excited about spring cleaning and organizing, but I'm also a vacuum enthusiast now? Our vacuum we got for our wedding is dying a slow and painful death and I'm getting very excited about the cordless options on the market. Also today I took a stroll with my pre-covid thrifting self to our local thrift store to try and score a Candy Land or Hungry Hungry Hippos for Jack's birthday. I ended up finding literally everything on my "potential Jack bday gifts" list, plus a few extra gems. The thrifting odds were in my favor. 

Jack is enjoying all the extra Dad time this week. He's also learned how to sound out the initial letter of words. He's surprisingly good at it! He can spell his whole name and is getting close to writing it all out. Saturday was warm enough to play some soccer in the backyard, and Jack was into it. I think we're going to have to put him in soccer in the next year or two. 

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