Girls' Night

Hi! I wish I had pictures and/or updates for you this week, but I don't have much. It was Jared's last week of a very demanding rotation and we essentially just survived our way through it. This morning he didn't have to leave until after Jack woke up, and we were able to have breakfast together! I woke up thinking it was just me in the house like it has been for the past 2 months, but then I caught a glimpse of Jared out in the living room and got so happy.

I hosted a small girl's night during Jared's 24-hr shift over the weekend. It was just me and the 3 women who serve in YW with me. We're all going to be released soon because the YW president's husband just got called as our new bishop. I'm feeling bittersweet. I'm excited not to have to go to Wednesday activities anymore (I've been going for nearly 5 years now), but other than that I'm actually pretty sad about it. I love being in a calling with 3 other moms of young kids, and we're all friends so it will be weird not to serve with them anymore. 

I'm kind of feeling caught between two worlds right now. The girls' night was a lot of fun. We laughed and TMI'd and snacked for hours. I feel like if I put in the effort to keep hanging out with them we could become closer friends, which honestly I haven't had since college. But it's hard to want to put in that effort when I'm going to be moving away in 5 months. Ughhhh. Making close adult friends is hard. It's an energy drain to put my introverted self out there and invite friends over, and I always have a hard time sleeping afterward because overthinking, but I know it would get easier if I just did it more often. Maybe next move, when there's more of a sense of permanence. These next few months are going to be a bit chaotic with several away rotations and hopefully a job contract somewhere in there so we can start house hunting for our next place. Fingers crossed!

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