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It's a good time to be in Utah! Today Jared starts a short rotation with another family practice clinic in Orem. We don't have any inclination as to whether it will lead to a job offer, but it will be good experience regardless. It's also great to not be in Wyoming this week. The high on Thursday in Casper will be -4. Yup, NEGATIVE FOUR. As the HIGH. Woof. No thank you.

Before leaving we deep-cleaned the house, and we took advantage of a Costco sale--$100 off the cordless 
Dyson we'd been eyeing--just as our old vacuum bit the dust. What a time to be alive. No Costco in Casper so we ordered online and shipped it to my parents. No words can express my disappointment in myself for being this level of excited about a new vacuum.

Grandma Lambert sent Jack the cutest Valentine's Day package. Jack got pumped to put up hearts around the house for Valentine's Day, and he munched on heart-shaped snacks during our drive to Utah. Best road-trip ever. Traveling with a nearly 3-yr-old is soooo much better than the colicky baby road trips we took our first year in Casper. This was our first long drive since Jack started potty traning and it went off without a hitch. He insisted on wearing undies instead of a pull-up, which I was skeptical about, but he was great about holding it and then letting us know when he really needed to go. We only had to pull off the side of the road once for him during the 7-hr trip. Color me impressed. He's also old enough that his habit of refusing to take a nap in the car wasn't detrimental. What a time to be alive. 

Jack is very excited to be in Utah. He has been looking forward to playing with Asher and everyone else for weeks. Our countdown was, "When Mommy's finished weaving all the way to the top of the loom it's time to go to Utah." I made my mom a woven headboard/wall hanging for her birthday yesterday. I was so happy we could make it in time for her birthday dinner. It's the biggest weaving I've ever done and it turned out beautiful. Jack was pumped when I cut it off the loom because he knew it must be Utah time. 
During my hours of weaving, I got hooked on Netflix's "The American Barbecue Showdown." It's a barbecue competition mostly focusing on meat smoking, set in Georgia near where we used to live. And dang, I'm gonna need a meat smoker at some point now. I've been toying with the idea of doing culinary school someday, but since I don't want to work in the industry, for now I'm seeing what I can learn from podcasts and free online classes. But I could see myself getting very into the meat smoking scene. Man, I miss that good southern barbecue of Georgia (and Alabama. The best barbecue I've ever had was off the side of a rural road in Alabama).

Whelp, that's a more lengthy update than I thought I had for you this week. Very excited to see if anything comes of this rotation in Utah. I'll keep you posted!

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