
I went to upload my pictures for the week and there were only these two? This is the lightest photo week I've had in months. Probably for the best. I definitely take more pictures than anyone needs of their childhood. Not too much to say this week. It's still rainy and dreary most days, but the temperatures are headed in an upward trajectory. 

Alice is still sticking with one nap. I spent a lot of the week discouraged that her one nap hasn't gotten any longer. She used to take 2 naps each day, each one being about an hour and a half. Now her one nap lasts just over an hour, and I've really been feeling that loss of half of my productive/restful time each day. However, I just did a quick google and it looks like it's normal for the nap to take 2-4 weeks to lengthen after the 2-1 nap transition. I'm feeling some inklings of hope for the future of my free time. 

In other Alice news, she has gained a lot of confidence in her walking this week. She's toddling all around the house all day. It's very cute, but with this new ability has a come a frustration with being confined to a grocery cart, front pack, or church pew. She would just rather be walking around on her own everywhere now. Toddlerhood, we meet again. It's go time.

^^I got her hair done! This is no small feat. The only time I can get her to hold still to get her hair done is when she's trapped in a high chair. Unfortunately, food has been my method for distracting her while I do her hair in the past, but now she just swats my hands away and tugs at her hair, and often her hands are sticky from eating and it ends up worse than when we started. Accomplishing a fresh ponytail with a bow on top feels like I should probably be awarded an olympic gold medal. 
^^This week we remembered we own a robot vacuum and we introduced it to Alice. They have become fast friends. We've had it for years but haven't used it much because our stick vacuum works better and is quick to whip out. But we are very much in a crumbs-all-over-the-floor stage in our family after every meal and so it was time to employ Beeboop (our robot vacuum). Alice loves watching it roam around the downstairs and following it around. The other day I told her to go put a popsicle stick on Beeboop, and she understood and did it! So now one of my go-to games is having Alice put random things on Beeboop. We have fun. 

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