Flag Football

We signed Jack up for flag football! It's actually very embarrassing because we named our child Jack Lambert, knowing absolutely nothing about football and not realizing that one of the most famous football players of all time is named Jack Lambert. So now I'm pretty sure his coaches think we're LeGiT fOoTbAlL people and are intimidated by us even though we're actually huge football newbs. Jared asked the coach if there would be practices next week during spring break, and the coach was like, "Uh, uh, I don't know. We can if you want! We can!" and then he was all, "Sorry we weren't running drills out there, it's just limited in what we can do with a bunch of 5 year olds." And we were like, "Oh, no we just wanted to leave town during spring break. Also wut r drills?" Haha

Jack had his first practice last night and LOVED it. I went back and forth on signing him up so many times. On the one hand, me and Jared don't really want our kids playing tackle football when they get older (because injuries) so never planned to put him in any kind of football. On the other hand, Jack really loves going to our town's high school football games, and all he wants to do lately is play tag for 12 hours a day, and me and Jared are tired. Flag football feels pretty close to tag, and this way he can learn teamwork and have his peers tire him out instead of us, and have his coaches tell him what to do instead of him trying to tell us what to do. Win win win. 

A lot of the practice was dividing the team into two groups and letting the kids take turns running the ball while the other team tried to pull a flag off them. Then at the end they played a round of freeze tag. I thought the tag portion would be his favorite part, but he was grinning ear to ear after running the ball and he said his favorite part was when he almost pulled a runner's flag off. He was absolutely in his element. So at least for this spring, we have a football boi! The football practice was actually a lot more legit than his soccer practices ever were, and the coach brought pizza for the boys at the end, and there will be games every Saturday until June. I don't know who's more excited, Jack or me, but it's going to be a fun season. Here are a few pictures and a video of Jack running the ball at the end. Jack is the one holding the football in the first picture. He's wearing the gray jacket with the black sleeves, and an orange shirt peeking out the bottom.

(You can enlarge the video if you click on the square in the bottom right corner of the video.)


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