Pre-Christmas Photo Dump

I'll do a post about our lovely Christmas weekend soon, but I have so many photos from this last week that I wanted to get all the pre-Christmas stuff posted first.
^^Jared with the beloved '96 Honda Accord passed down over the years from my Grandma Roper, through several other family members, to us. Jared has loved driving this old girl to work for the past ~5 years. Now Jared drives our 2006 silver Honda Accord to work, but we will always love that old car. Reminds me of this picture from our old car in Grenada that changed island living for us. Nothing fancy but really blessed our lives, just like this one:
Now for probably a dozen too many pictures from last week:
^^I'm proud of myself for finishing most Christmas-related tasks early so I could spend the last half of the week having Christmas book readathons where Jack brough allllll of his Christmas books into my bed and we read every last one for over an hour. Hope this becomes a yearly tradition.
^^Jack asking to hold Alice is my favorite.
^^Just look at dem delicious leggies!
^^Alice rolled from front to back this week! Just once but pretty kool. I had my camera on me and could have recorded it easily but my old dying phone wouldn't let me record video. (Spoiler alert: I got a new[er] phone for Christmas so hopefully that won't be an issue anymore!)
^^We got a few days of snow. Our neighborhood feels like the cutest little snowglobe with those huge trees surrounding us. Love waking up to this view.
^^Snowball fights! These are the moments when I wish we lived near his cousins, so we could round them all up and throw them outside to giggle and play in the snow for hours.
^^Jared and Fighter Pilot Alice chasing Jack around.
^^Asking to hold Alice while he watched "The Star" for probably the fifth time of the week (a cute animated movie about the nativity story from the perspective of the donkey).
^^Making gingerbread houses, front camera view and rear camera view. Alice was having a rough night so I spent the evening bouncing her around.
^^Nursing view from the rocking chair in Alice's room. How cute is that butterfly snowflake I made last year??
^^Another view of our picturesque tree-encased street.
^^We draped a long paper chain all down our upstairs hallway. Loved it so much I think we'll add a rainbow one next Christmas.
^^And to all a goodnight! The view from the hall right outside our bedroom. I always end up peeking out this window after I put Alice back down after her night feedings. 

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