One Year Older

What a great weekend! I just feel really content lately, which is refreshing after a year of panic, sickness, misery, pain, and grumps. It's nice to be back. 
I took on more than I ever have for Thanksgiving at Jared's parents' this year, and for the first time ever I think I crushed it. It was a lot of prep and a lot of cooking but everything came out so delicious! I made two types of green bean casserole (canned and fresh from scratch--do not ask me why I felt compelled to make both because I have no explanation), thyme lemonade that didn't make enough so I pivoted to wassail and apple cider, cinnamon honey butter, and 5 pies--two pumpkin, two chocolate cream, and one cinnamon pie. I found all new recipes and all were spectacular, and I'm not usually a pie person. This was my first time making a good pie crust from scratch--all thanks to my mom for making us a bomb blackberry pie after I had Alice and teaching me that crust doesn't have to be difficult. 

After dinner Jack developed a gnarly cough; like, a really gnarly cough. He started the morning off with a mild cough that we thought was on its way out, but by the end of dinner the coughs were so deep that I was sure he was going to throw up, and he was asking to go home. Jack does not ask to go home from a social occasion. Ever. So we took off early. He's been requesting naps and early bed times all week. It's wild. He's better today but now Alice has it, poor baby. It's been humidifiers and snot suckers all weekend. When Jack was a baby he would wake up every 20 minutes all night long whenever he got sick. Alice has been the opposite, sleeping away the day and night. #blessed
^^Jared had his birthday over the weekend as well! We let him sleep in and then we had Alice "kiss" him to wake him up. She ended up licking him instead, which he was not expecting. Glad I captured the moment. It was a sweet morning of family snuggles and then Jared chasing Jack around the backyard, both of them in dinosaur costumes. Jack got Jared a "dino rider" costume for his birthday. At first I tried to steer him away from a dino gift, but then I remembered that Jared has actually wanted this specific costume for a few years, he doesn't actually have any Halloween costumes, and they're all on sale right now. Wish I'd taken a picture but it was fun to watch. Also this is Jack spotting eagles in the trees behind our neighborhood, not peeping on the neighbors haha
^^Savvy coming in hot with the birthday hugs. 
^^Jared's parents came up to take us out for Jared's birthday dinner at the local Thai restaurant our backyard neighbors own. Alice slept through the ENTIRE DINNER IN HER CARSEAT. Weird week for our kids taking naps. Alice has never napped in her carseat, or through an entire dinner at a restaurant. It was wild. And then Jack fell asleep for the night snuggled up on the couch after Jared opened his presents, which is another thing that has never happened. This sickness is not my favorite but I am enjoying the aspect where my children fall asleep all over the place.
^^My parents got Jared "Stealth Fitness." You put your phone on it and do planks to play games. Hard to explain but it's really cool. 
^^Birthday babies. Ok I'm off to get ready for preschool drop-off and, fingers crossed, an outing to pick up our car! It's been pushed back so many times now, but Jared chewed out our dealership real good over the weekend and I think we might actually be getting it today. I'll report back next week.

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