Great Wolf Lodge

Happy 4th! I'm writing this on the evening of July 3rd. We don't have lots of plans for Independence Day, but we're doing a BBQ potluck lunch with some ward friends and then hopefully we'll find a parade or fireworks show at some point. Jared's dad is out of town and his mom is sick, plus we'll be driving down to his parents' on Tuesday for an OB appointment/anniversary date, so we're doing this holiday solo. 

My fatigued pregnant girlie era is still going strong and evolving into my annoyed-all-the-time pregnant girlie era. Probably a combo of pregnancy hormones, not getting enough sleep (pregnant Laura needs 10+ hours or she is grumps city), and the aches and pains that come on with the 3rd trimester are not treating me well. I'm also feeling really homesick now that we've hit one year in Washington? I don't even know where for--sometimes Wyoming, sometimes Utah. Washington is gorgeous and we love being close to family for the first time in a while. At the same time, we feel most at home in a dry/desert climate, and probably even more than that, I miss having wide-open trails literally right outside our front door like we had in our Wyoming prairie (or my Utah foothills). If I could plop that prairie down across the street from our current house in Washington, the homesickness might immediately disappear. That meditative daily sunset prairie walk was really good for my mental health. Also for Savvy dog. There just isn't a good equivalent here--anything that comes close requires a bit of a drive, and involves a trail that meanders through dense forest. Again, gorgeous, but a little unnerving. I always feel like someone's watching me or could pop out from behind a tree (one time I was taking Savvy for a walk and spotted a homeless man watching me from under a nearby tree, neat!).

On a completely different note, last week we spent 2 days and a night at Great Wolf Lodge in Washington--an indoor water park about 2 hours south. It was important to me that we have one Jack-centered family trip this summer before baby girl arrives. Jared agreed, so when he got off of work on Monday we drove to the hotel and spent the evening and following day at the water park. Jack LOVED it. Worth every minute of terrible hotel sleep to watch his face light up and hear his pure little squeals of delight when we stuck him in the deep end with a life jacket and taught him how to doggie paddle around. The actual cutest Jack moments I've witnessed this year. We're probably going to get a YMCA pass for the month of August so Jack can get more swimming time and I can enjoy some MUCH needed gym childcare moments of silence this summer. Amen and Amen. Here are some pics from Great Wolf Lodge!

^^Jack spent most of his time in the kiddie pool areas, making friends with the other kiddies and going down the kiddie slides. But his biggest squeals of delight were always when he was paddling around in the deep end with Jared.
^^Great Wolf Lodge has lots of "events" and "activities" you can do if you want, almost like a cruise ship for kids. Jack was adamant that we go to character story time and the bedtime dance party, but then he saw a bunch of kids with light-up bubble wands from the gift store and his evening was ruined because he wanted one so badly (we checked and they were $30, woof). A little souvenir disappointment seems on par for any classic family vacation, so we rolled with it the best we could and told him they were only for kids with birthdays and maybe we could come back on his birthday so he could get one. (aka buy one cheap on amazon and bring it with us--sign up for my parenting seminars below!) 
^^Day 2! You can see the soullessness in Jared's eyes from a terrible night's sleep. We rebounded quick enough and had a fun day of arcade games and swimming. 
^^The look on Jack's face when he went into a sheer panic and told us he needed to find a restroom IMMEDIATELY and then get a cold pack for his tummy. Probably a combo of travel food and swallowing gross chlorine water. There were many BMs that day. So glad he's potty trained. Love me a 4 year old. 
^^Halfway through the second day Jared made the iffy decision of convincing Jack to go on a "boat ride" with him down a fast, twisty tube run. Looked super fun to me, but pregnant ladies aren't allowed on the slides, so I waited at the bottom to capture this precious moment (zoom in for a look of sheer terror on Jack's face). He was technically tall enough to ride, but just barely, and he's tall for his age. I probably should've talked Jared out of this one, but I'm glad Jared at least got to go on one big slide. Probably wouldn't attempt this one again until Jack's at least 6 or 7. 

Overall it was a great family trip! Would recommend Great Wolf Lodge if you have one near you. I think the best time to go is in the winter using a Groupon. And it's probably most fun for kids ages 6-12 so they can enjoy more of the bigger slides, but we still had a blast. Can't speak to the food--we brought our own in because we cheap cheap. Until next time!

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