Preschool is King

Yesterday was crazy town, so I'm posting today. Me and Jack had a morning full of play time and bath time. We ran into town to get our grocery pickup, and then upon getting home it was time to get ready for preschool. Preschool is KING. It has been such a game changer for me and Jack. Jack is an extremely social little dude. He's had to drop his nap to go to preschool, but he's happier than ever, because friends, and playtime, and learning, etc. So he's happier because for the first time in his life he's getting the daily social interaction he craves, and this little homebody right here is happier too because I get a little more time to myself to work on projects and hear my own thoughts. Yay. Preschool for president. 

Anyway, after dropping Jack off at preschool I started getting ready for my Monday afternoon date with Jared since it's his half day. Unfortunately, it never happened because Jared had to run into town a few times to get the 200 sq. ft of sod we were short when we installed our back lawn over the weekend. Happy our back lawn is complete. Bummed about no date. Maybe next week. (Also, sod laying is no joke. Ouchie.) Before we knew it, it was time to get a very smiley Jack from preschool, and then time to get him ready for soccer. After soccer I spent too long making a fancy ramen for dinner. It was really good, but not worth the time that went into making it. Not going on my "regulars" list. Jack was pretty grumpy at this point, because no nap. When he was finally in bed I was too exhausted to get started on my to-do list. Me and Jared collapsed and watched tv. Good life choice. Here are some highlights from our week!

^^Me and Jack decorated for Halloween. Had to snap a shot of his pull-up bum. Pull-up bums don't keep forever. Now that he's in preschool and soccer and a big-boy bed, I'm starting to feel nostalgic about the baby Jack days. Happy they're over. Happy they happened. They were the most exhausting and the cutest. Excited about the big-boy Jack days. 
^^On Friday night we went to our local high school football game. Expectations were low because I've heard that Granite Falls is absolutely not known for sports excellence, but we won by a lot! Jack looooved the whole thing--the football, the marching band, the cheerleaders, the snacks. We bundled up and bought a soft pretzel and hot chocolate (both were top notch). Jack was heartbroken when we left 10 minutes before the game ended to beat the "traffic" and get home. Heartbroken enough that next time we'll probably just stay til the end. He's going to keep us fun, that Jack. 
^^Friday is Jack's day off preschool. It was a beautiful fall day, so we headed to a quiet lake to have a picnic and play in the sand. 
^^I found my new thrift stores! The Goodwill and Value Village a 20 minute drive away in Marysville, so I won't get there too often. The prices are much higher than my beloved Rescued Treasures in Wyoming, but still way cheaper than buying new. I found this cute midcentury Baldwin piano, and after a quick bang on the keys and video call of the back hammers with my brother Jordan who tunes pianos, I went home and told Jared that if it was still there over the weekend when we'd have access to Jared's parents' old suburban, I would be using my $80 Christmas money from two years ago to get myself a piano. Homegirl needs to spend more haha. And it was still there! It's crazy heavy. We had to reach out to our next door neighbor and his friend to help us lower it from the car and roll it into our third garage. When we have more people/equipment, we'll get it into the house. 
^^The fishing toy bribe that got Jack sleeping through the night again finally. Thanks Mom! It was a great week all in all. 

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