Ice Caves and a Sleepover

Jack's only Lambert cousin, Mae, came to visit from North Carolina for two weeks! She's 7 and Jack's 3, but they played really well together. Until they didn't. Because that's how it goes with kids. And also because they both have good, strong personalities. 

Mae stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's mostly. Jack and Jared went and spent a few days down there while I recovered from an awful cold and finally got our house an acceptable level of unpacked and put together. Hallelujah. We even got our fridge, washer, and dryer finally delivered two days ago. Unfortunately there was a misunderstanding and the delivery guys refused to do installation even though it was included in the order. After several phone calls, Jared got someone nicer scheduled to come and do the install on Monday. So excited to wash all our mildewy towels that have been used to sop up portable AC messes. It's been a messy transitional time, but not as bad as our transitional time moving to Grenada. Gotta remember that. 

Mae came to our house for a sleepover one night last week. High on her and Jack's list of sleepover activities was running through the sprinkler and having popsicles. 

My favorite part was our hike to the Ice Caves about a half hour drive up in the mountains. Jared's mom and brother joined us. It was a bit intense and required a river crossing, but absolutely worth it for the scenery.
^^Ice cave! Formed by water running through this big ice mound. Glacier? I don't know what it technically is. But several people have died in the cave from collapses/falling ice, so you don't go inside. We just felt the nice frosty breeze and peeked into the entrance.
^^Jack's point of view when he had my camera :)
^^So pretty! If we can't be in Utah, I'm glad we're here.
^^There used to be a fancy resort here during the railroad/logging days. It's long gone now, but the big lodge fireplace remains. Bummed they tore it down! How cool would it be to visit a resort here?

The rest of the sleepover involved pizza, a movie night, and a trip to the Seattle zoo (the others went while I stayed home and recovered/waited for the appliance delivery). A successful cousin sleepover overall!

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