"Too bad AC ain't in charge no more"

(I really hope someone got the Home Alone reference in the title.)

((This post is about to say the word AC a hundred million times. Sorry. Overheated Laura gets really heated about AC. Go figure. Also this post was published two weeks ago, but I took it down because I thought it was too complainy. But there are some cute pics so I'm publishing it again.))

We made it! We closed on our house two days late, and there were quiiiiite a few hiccups along the way, but we're here now. And we're thriving!!! Jk lol we're not thriving. Our new house has no AC and it's a record hot Washington summer. We are literally ded. 

I took some pictures of the inside of our house when we moved in to share in this week's post, but I don't have those pictures with me. I am currently taking refuge in the air conditioned house we were living in before we moved to our new home because the heat was making me unbelievably grumpy. Brings me back to our Grenada days when we cut out every non-grocery expense so we could afford to use our heavenly air conditioning a few hours a day. Jared's medical degree brought to you by sweet, heavenly, productivity-enhancing AC. 

Our new home is AC compatible (whatever that means), but because of the record heat this summer, the waiting list to get AC actually installed is so long that it would be winter before we got it. Also very expensive. So I bribed my lil brother to try and find me a window AC unit on Utah KSL and bring to our family reunion later this week. Everyone is trying to get their hands on one up here, which makes them pricey and hard to find. Anyway, it would be nice to have just one room in our house to take refuge in and get good sleeps and work done.

More pics and updates next week, I promise! Also a ghetto window AC unit in my bedroom! Or else! (:
Oh I guess we did have some fun times this week. Here's a quick pic from outside the fancy dinner we went to to celebrate Mama Lambert's 60th birthday. We went to a fancy Italian restaurant called Carmine's. It was such a delicious, posh experience.

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