Summer Snowstorm

Oh hey! We've had a bit of a slow week. Jack is in full-on potty training mode so we're staying home as much as possible. I guess 2020 is probably a good year to potty train. It's going great so far! I tried doing this six months ago and chickened out after one day. I think the biggest problem was that I wasn't ready, but Jack is for sure much more ready this time around than he was before too. It's been a completely different experience. He had two accidents when we first started, and then he figured it out pretty quick. We'll still have an occasional accident, but not every day. He's very motivated by toy bribes, so that's been a big part of our strategy this time haha. He gets a sticker when he goes #1 and gets a little toy every time he fills up an 8-10 sticker chart. Then there was a bigger toy for the first time or two he went #2. Very exciting stuff over here. 

Other than that, nothing new to report. I'm going through my DSLR memory cards and I'm going to try to get some unposted older pictures on the blog during uneventful weeks like this one. So here are some pictures from our first big snowstorm here in Casper, back in the first week of September. It was shockingly early to get snow (it was a LOT of snow), since August is the hottest month of the year here. Luckily it only lasted a day or two. It was actually a very fun fluke storm. Jack was a big fan and Jared gets all the credit for this great snowman:

I love these goobs!

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