Thanksgiving 2020

We had the best Thanksgiving! It was quiet with just the 3 of us, but perfect. Since it's Jared's last year of training, this is probably the last year we won't be able to go home for the holidays. It was kind of nostalgic and sweet having our own little family Thanksgiving this last time, and to reflect back on the other unconventional Thanksgivings we've had over the past 7 years. 

Thanksgiving lined up with Jared's birthday this year. When he woke up I had him open a present from me. It was a breakfast sandwich maker that I've been eyeing for him for the past 3-4 years. I've held off so long not because it was all that expensive, but because I wasn't sure about getting an appliance whose only function was to make breakfast sandwiches. I think it will be one of our most used appliances though. Jared usually has to wake up well before me for an early work day, and even though he loves a hearty breakfast, he only ever fixes himself a bowl of cereal before work. He just doesn't feel like he has the time to make scrambled eggs (his breakfast of choice). But now he can plop an english muffin, egg, and sausage patty into this machine, and it'll cook a yummy breakfast sandwich for him while he gets dressed for work.
Anyway, it was a good day all around. Until Jack woke up from his nap angry at the world. I think he drank too much juice with his Thanksgiving feast and woke up with a juice hangover. Nothing a long bath and some time with his wooden blocks couldn't fix. 
The cherry on top of Thanksgiving weekend was finishing the very last of my Christmas shopping! I've never finished my shopping before December before. I'm super looking forward to being able to enjoy the Christmas season without worrying about what to buy and how to send all our gifts to our families in multiple states. I hope it's a wonderful holiday season for all of you, too! Drink some hot chocolate for me. Every time I try Jack confiscates it for himself. Fun toddler times. 

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