
^^^Playing with the camera as we prepared to leave for Utah.

Ahh, another trip to Utah. Jared has an away rotation in Spokane that we couldn't join him on, so he drove us to Utah to drop us off at my parents' house and then he flew to Washington. The weather here is waaaay nicer than it is in Casper right now. We picked a good time to come. 
During Jared's two days here, we spent some time with his family for his cousin's wedding in Provo. We went for a walk by the lake and Jared went overboard trying to sell them on Utah Valley. They live in the Seattle area, which is honestly one of the prettiest places in the world. Not sure the dry November Utah plants/air/inversion held a candle to their green, fresh Washington this time haha.
The next day we went for a little hike to the G on the mountain. We wished we were wearing shorts--it's so warm right now! We've never done this hike before. It was a bit steep and the G was just a bunch of old metal strips painted white, but it was a fun new adventure. We love explorations. Speaking of explorations, we also spent an afternoon exploring Saratoga Springs. I expected there to be a bigger city center, but really it was just a ton of houses with some shopping at the very North end of town near Lehi. We did find some hot springs near the lake and we drove up into Israel Canyon a bit. Didn't know either of those things existed before this. Saratoga is cute with its beautiful views of Timpanogos and the other mountains on the west side of the lake, but I don't think we'd want to live over there. We're too obsessed with the trails on our side. 
Jack is in heaven being surrounded by more family. He is obsessed with Grandpa in particular. He asks for "Bampa" all day long, and loves playing in Grandpa's "chuck" (truck) and with the "choo choo" (train) with grandpa. We raked up a bunch of leaves over the weekend. Jack liked crunching around in them.
^^^Jack tagging along with the 4 little boys who live next door to my parents. We would've put a helmet on him, but the battery died on this car so they couldn't get it moving.
^^^Getting our favorite pizza in the valley at Terra Mia--Jared wearing all denim and me wearing all linen.

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