Mr. Jack Goes to Washington

I'll warn you now--there are a LOT of pictures in this post. Like, an overwhelming amount of pictures. Too many. But I've already narrowed them down quite a bit, and narrowing it down more would take up a big chunk of time that I just don't have right now. That's why this is being posted on Wednesday instead of Monday: I just can't seem to find the time to make this happen. But I already missed a week so we're doing this now!
Last week Jack, my mom, and I flew from Utah to Washington to visit my brother Jordan's fam in their new home of Mt. Vernon. I was terrified to make the flight with Jack (for good reason), but my mom was able to sit next to us and help out. We all survived. Jack's favorite part of the whole trip was probably watching the airplanes taxi around and takeoff on the tarmac.
My in-laws live near Seattle, so I spent the first night with them so Jack could get some grandparent time. Jared's sister Marie and our niece Mae were also visiting from North Carolina, yay! This was their first time meeting Jack. It was so good to see everyone again.
Jack was reallllly grumpy our first day there. He was exhausted from not being able to nap while traveling, plus he was constipated and teething. Not fun. But after a good night's sleep he warmed up to everyone and even let me leave him to play with Mae while he ate animal crackers with Grandma Deborah in her beautiful new kitchen.
Jack's favorite part of every house: The Stairs (and the doors. and the outside.)
After a day with the Lambert fam, we drove to a dropoff point halfway to Mr. Vernon. We played at a play place in the mall while we waited for Amanda and Mom to come pick us up. The logistics on this trip were rough. One thousand million props to Amanda for driving us alllll over the place all week. When we come back to visit with Jared some day I'll probably talk him into getting a rental car. It's just too hard to see both families without one, since they live an hour apart.
We decided to go to Mt. Vernon in the spring because they have a renowned tulip festival. Fields and fields of flowers everywhere. It's supposed be like a little taste of Holland. Unfortunately, we booked our trip for about a week too soon. You could see some tulips here and there starting to open, but as a whole they weren't ready yet. I didn't mind though, because we were able to see the daffodil fields instead! They were in their prime. Acres and acres of neon yellow daffodils all over the place. It looked like someone took a yellow highlighter and went to town. You have to pay to walk around inside the fields, but you are more than welcome to pull off on the side of the road and take pictures in front of them. With two babies, this was probably the best way to do it.  
It was really fun to watch Jack and his cute cousin Asher interact! They were very curious about each other at first and mostly happy together. Occasionally they'd want the same toy and that would cause them distress, but otherwise it was just great. It's nice to visit someone with a baby the exact same age as your own. They were interested in the same toys, ate the same foods, and when Jack ran out of diapers on the last day I just grabbed two or three of Asher's diapers that were the same size. Plus, they had similar napping needs and attention spans while we were out and about. 5 out of 5 stars, would recommend having baby cousins at the same time.
On our first evening in Mt. Vernon, we had dinner at a cute coastal town on a river leading into the sound.  (or maybe we were right on the sound?) We all got the BEST fish and chips. I love being by the ocean and having amazing seafood! Jordan was great with the babies. Amanda, too. Throughout the trip they'd take turns walking Jack around outside while we were waiting for our food. All Jack wants to do these days is walk around and explore while holding onto someone's finger.
Bath buddies and snack buddies! My mom was in HEAVEN hanging out with both of her grandkids.
Wednesday was our exploration day. We found some incredible views of the sound and had lunch at a sandwich shop. Washington is gorgeous! Jared and I have spent a lot of time in the Seattle area. It was neat to visit some smaller, more rural towns on the sound. It was all the NW beauty with none of the traffic or hustle and bustle of the big city. They have gorgeous trees, beach, and mountains, and a lower cost of living than the city people. 
We ended our exploration on a driftwood beach on beautiful Anacortes island. Jack desperately wanted to run out into the water, but he settled for throwing rocks at it with his aunt and uncle. I'm kicking myself for not getting any pictures of me with Asher! We had some good times together. It's weird to hang out with Asher after being so used to Jack. Asher is much lighter and calmer. He'll sit still in your arms or on your lap without constantly trying to wiggle free. And he has the sweetest little shy smile! Jack has a big mischievous grin, which is also fun.
The whole gang! I can't wait to come back with Jared someday. This is his dream trip: scenery, coastal towns, a quieter pace, babies, the Sound...perfection.
^^An island in a lake on an island in the sound! Islandception! Also, look at those amazing, big plots of land. What a way to live.
Thanks to Asher for sharing his toys and fun box and crib with Jack! He played hard and slept hard. I think both boys are happy to be back in their own cribs now.
The plane ride home was exhausting, but again, we survived! Luckily the flight is only 2 hours long. Jack was a bit crazed while he was awake, but he did sleep for a glorious half hour. And we only had to change one poopy diaper on the flight. Could have been worse. I brought a billion dollar store toys that entertained Jack for all of about 30 seconds each. I'm realizing that maybe it's a good thing we're locked into residency and pretty unable to travel for the next 3 years. Maybe Jack will be able to hold still for longer than 5 seconds at a time next time we take him on a plane. Until next time, beautiful Washington! We love you!

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