Sweet Home Atlanta, GA

This is our home in Georgia! Our apartment's being upturned and filled with boxes as we simultaneously prepare for baby and to move. I wanted to do a post about this space before it's not our space anymore. I pulled some pictures from past Instagram posts and some I quickly snapped last week without worrying about stylizing anything. That picture up there is the front of our building. The trees out front are in bloom for maybe 2-3 weeks in February. They haven't bloomed yet this year, but I think they're about to. My theory is that they'll bloom when it's baby time. Hopefully sometime this weekend! I love Georgia's early spring.
This is what you see when you walk into our apartment. Minus all the Christmas stuff and plus a green couch. Also minus that beautiful rug that we had to throw out last summer because fleas. As much as I love the weather in the south, the fleas I could do without. We have Savvy on a flea/tick prescription but still had some problems last summer.
This is the other side of our living room. Clearly I didn't bother fancying anything up. When possible I keep all my weaving supplies on that cart in the corner. Right now they're kinda all over though.
This is our sunroom/office, just off the main room when you walk in. You can see our plants dying in the corner. They've looked really good for most of the time we lived here, but then we kept leaving for months at a time all through my pregnancy and now they're dying off. I don't know how we would have transported them across the country when we move anyway, so it's ok.
This is the right-hand wall in the sunroom. Clearly unstyled. It's where Jared keeps his art supplies and I store some of my finished weavings. These were like my first 2 weavings ever so they're pretty rough. Someday when I get my life back together I'll start a small business selling woven wall hangings. Dream big, my friends. Dream big.
This is our porch just off the sunroom. Having an outdoor space is so important to me, but we hardly ever use this porch. As soon as the weather gets nice it's swarming with mosquitoes back there. Yay the south! It's still nice to have for Savvy though.
This is the back of our apartment. We love that no one ever comes back here because we can let Savvy out on her retractable leash when she needs to pee or just wants to sit in the pine needles and watch the world go by (you can kind of see the main road through all the trees behind our apartment). It's not the same as having a yard for her, but I'm glad we have it. And no worries, she does get 2-3 actual real walks a day. I take her on a 20-minute walk in the morning and Jared takes her for a run when he gets home from work.

p.s. The above two pictures are from my @SimpletonPleasures instagram, which I may or may not start back up again after the baby arrives. I had planned to keep it going when I got pregnant so I could continue to grow a following and have a good launching point when I start a business someday, but I was just too sick. Oh well!
This is our kitchen (and also Jared's leg after he got back from a run). It's to the left when you walk into the apartment. They had recently renovated the kitchen before we moved in so we've felt pretty fancy in this space. Although we do look forward to hopefully having a bit more kitchen storage next time we move. 
This is our "dining room" nook right off the kitchen. You can see it's already starting to fill up with suitcases and boxes.
And this is the view down our hallway. Straight ahead is our itty bitty "walk-in" closet. The door on the left is a little closet where we keep our games and Savvy's things. Beyond that door our bathroom is to the left, and our bedroom is to the right. Some of my more recent woven wall hangings hang in the hallway.
Yay, a cute little bathroom! I obviously snapped this pic on the fly without even bothering to wipe down the mirror.
This is the other side. Much cuter. Our bathroom vanity has no drawers so we've made do with this ikea cart. And the picture above it is one I took in Provo Canyon. Utah's so pretty.
This is our "walk-in closet" lol. It's actually the first walk-in closet we've ever had, but somehow it offers much less space for clothes than the closets in the other 3 apartments we've lived in. The bathroom is to the left and the bedroom is to the right.
This is our room. It has for sure seen better design days, but at this point all I require of it is that it provide space for us and the baby to sleep. We've started packing it up as best we can, and you can see a bit of the baby's pack n' play in the corner. Also, Savvy always hops onto the bed as soon as I start making it. Instead of trying to shoo her off I just make it over her and eventually she crawls out. I know some people think it's gross to let your dog on the furniture, but the 2 reasons we even got a dog were (1) adventure/hiking buddy, and (2) snuggle buddy. Can't get the snugs if she's not allowed on the furniture. I'm way too pregnant to get down on her level on the floor.
This is the other side of the bedroom. I started that giant pizza weaving a year ago and then it got put on hold because #pregnant. Most people don't end up having to put everything on hold while they grow a baby, but I really did. I'm feeling ok enough now that I'm going to try my hardest to finish it before baby arrives. It'll be easier to transport when it's off the loom. I just have to fill in that last little gap and add some pepperonis.

Whelp, that's the grand tour! Other than the lack of natural light and storage space, we have really loved living here for the past two years. We especially love the secret hole in the fence behind our apartment complex where we take Savvy to play fetch and go for runs. That's rare to find this close to downtown Atlanta. If we end up in the West we're hoping we can get into a house with a yard next! Not sure if we'll be renting or buying, but I'll keep you posted. Also there's a chance we'll end up in NYC, in which case a studio apartment it is. Trying not to have any expectations at this point. We'll find out in March where we're moving next. We can't wait!

1 comment

  1. So exited to see where you go next! And for you to have your baby!! Keep us posted on your cute life! :)



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