More Reception Things

Everyone ate on beautiful china because I'm a grandma. 
Half of the china actually did come from my grandmother's collection.
The other half came from my mother's collection.
We went for a European feel with the food because we met in German class.

 Guests signed Jenga blocks instead of a guestbook;
we like games.
Our pictures of Jared with his groomsmen are priceless.
He smiled great for the first half of the day, which is a really impressive and exhausting thing for him.
So by the evening, I think he was just done.
He looks like some sort of Mafia boss
surrounded by happy body guards,
and his little brother, Will, is his pet. Those two are adorable.

These are my bridesmaids.
They are the loveliest.
And they have impeccable style.
 The necklace belongs to my Grandma Roper (below),
and somehow I lost my wedding earrings between the luncheon and the reception.
Luckily I had some not-quite-as-amazing-but-still-nice backup earrings, just in case.
I may be the only bride on the planet who knows she has to plan for losses like that.

And this is maybe my favorite picture from the whole evening.
Oh, and this one of Jared and his dad.

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