Our Jack is 7! That number feels like the beginnings of "big kid" years and out of the little boy years. Bittersweet. Jack chose to celebrate with a pizza dinner, then bowling and arcade games at Fat Cats. Grandma and Grandpa Haines came, and then we went back to our house for cake and to open presents. He had a wonderful day, and it was a reminder that we don't need to do something elaborate to make it a great birthday. Jack getting to do exactly what he requested--bowline and arcade games--was the perfect, happiest birthday he could have had. Jared had a happy birthday too because our bowling lane kept glitching, so halfway through the game when the kids were starting to wear down anyway, he requested a refund and we were able to move onto arcade games and cake before it got too late.
We're starting to get some warmer weather, and Alice wants to spend all her time "outside." She's starting to talk more, and she is basically begging to be potty trained. We ordered a potty seat that looks like a frog (she chose it). It arrives today, but she has spent the last 24 hours yelling "FROG!" to let us know that she wants it here now. When she says "frog" it sounds more like a particular bad word, so it's a bit of a jump-scare when she yells it out of nowhere. We will start potty training later this week once we've prepped physically and emotionally. Wish us luck. And now for some pictures from our week:
Didn't have it in me to make a birthday cake this year. Did have it in me to buy a pretty one with a flashy light on top, which Jack was more impressed with anyway. Happy birthday to Jack!
^^Feeling lucky to have this lovely lunchtime view right off our kitchen.

^^It has been just lovely to spend more time with my high school bestie Julie before her family moves to Idaho in a few months. She schedules viola recitals for herself every 6 months to keep herself accountable and practicing. It feels like I have a piece of myself back to be able to support a close friend by going to their event. She did great, especially considering her accompanist backed out a month ago and she had to pivot to music that didn't require accompaniment. I left feeling inspired to pick up a serious extracurricular, with a show or recital or something to work toward. (Might have to wait until after we move and start getting settled into our next home--I'm currently using any free time to plan out interior and landscape designs, which is its own kind of fun.)
^^We found this park that is a 3-minute drive from our house! I continue to be aghast that this mountainous view is the backdrop of our lives now. This looks like it could be a picture form a Swiss vacation.
^^My hair is in the awkward stage of growing out. It curled really nicely on its own when it was an inch shorter than this, and I loved how it almost always looked nice and was extremely low maintenance. However, I do want my hair long again at some point in the next few years, and, well, it will take years for it to grow long. I might cut it one more time to enjoy the low maintenance while Alice is still home and time is scarce, or I might push through the awkward phase and begin my regrowth journey. That's not the point of this unflattering photo booth selfie though--it's to document me and my cutie boy going on a Thanksgiving Point date together.
^^Alice playing hid and seek and "hiding" as a rock. This girl keeps things from getting too serious. She's a good time, in a different way than Jack, who is also a good time.