We are here and we are 'appy (happy). Alice has started telling us when she feels 'appy and it is so fun. The two times she usually does this are (1) if she's frustrated about something, she'll go find a quiet corner to sit down and pout in for a minute or two, and then when I go sit by her she'll inevitably take another 30 seconds and then smile and say "'appy!" and (2) When we tell her it's time to take a nap, she'll often try to get out of it by saying, "'Appy! Me 'appy! Me no sad. Me 'appy!" We think she came up with this by noticing that when Jack gets EXTRA mean and grumpy we tell him he should consider a nap or an early bedtime. She's very observant and socially aware so I think that's where this strategy came from. It's so cute that it's actually kind of effective. We'll usually give her an extra 5-10 minutes and then mention the nap again. Eventually her insistance that she's still 'appy starts to get frantic, and that's when we know the 'appy is wearing off and the tired is taking over. She is just so fun. 

Jared and I are having lots of fun finding moments to sneak over to the new-build neighborhood and walk through the houses under construction. We've had a few meetings with the sales office and we are 80% sure we've picked out the floorplan we'll be going with, and that we'll be in our (likely) forever home by the end of the year. I give a 20% chance that we'll wait an extra year for the next phase to start being built, which would allow us to live even closer to the mountain than the current phase going up. We're a little nervous about being priced out of the market though, so it's definitely more likely we'll pick a lot in the current phase that will be built later this year and go with that. 

Let's get to our pictures from the week:

^^Our Thanksgiving Points passes are getting their mileage. Me and Alice snuck off to the dinosaur museum last week and then stopped by their creamery for an ice cream date--something I wouldn't normally do, but am really glad we did. I know these years of just me and Alice home together during the days will go by quick, and also the ice cream was really good. 

^^New clothes and a trip to the dmv. Jared dressed her in this outfit, including the socks and jelly shoes. I give it a 10 out of 10. 
^^She randomly looks like my brother Tim here and it makes me 'appy.
^^Ragamuffin. I know this is an Alice-heavy post. And I won't apologize!!
^^Jack and Alice snacking and coloring and giggling. But not getting too close to each other because that would surely end poorly. Sibling dynamics are *fUn*
^^We got our new library cards this week. Jack is starting to get more into reading! He's an advanced reader but hasn't been all that into books in the past. I am really hoping to change that by the time summer break comes around.
^^Alice's cooking phase is still going extra strong. She might even turn ME into a baker. I figured that if she is asking to cook 5 times a day, we might as well cook constructive things together instead of random terrible concoctions she invents. So now she's helping me cook dinners, breakfast smoothies, muffins, ninja Creami mixtures, pesto bread . . . really anything. I love cooking but have been out of the swing of it since Alice was born. Fun to get back into it together.
^^Sledding with cousins! Jack kept sliding on his belly and it was pretty impressive.
^^Alice bouncing down the street as we walked Jack to school. This was an awful idea. What would otherwise take 5 minutes took half an hour. Next time I'm insisting she sits in her own big stroller and I push her. She ain't gonna like it.


Ladies and gentlemen, I am tired. So tired. My brain feels foggy, so I'm going to need to get right to the pictures from our week to jog my memory of what we've been up to:

^^We spent Friday afternoon at the Dinosaur Museum. The kids had so much fun--Alice loved dressing up as a dinosaur and running up and down the ramps. Jack loved the computer games. I do think it's a little annoying when a kid's museum that has so many other fun things for kids to do plops video games into the mix. It's like, ok my kid could've done that at home. If the video games weren't there, Jack would've been having a blast playing with Alice and digging in the sand zones, but instead he mostly pined after this random game. Oh well, still had a great time. 
^^We went to my parents' one afternoon and the kids had the coziest quintessential grandparent afternoon making cookies,  playing games, reading books. 
^^Alice in her happy place. I need to buy more box mixes. Alice wants to mix something up at least once a day, and if it's not a legit cornbread mix or something like that, then she wants to invent a recipe herself and that rarely ends well. I could start making daily breads from scratch, but neither of us has the attention span for that at this time.
^^Spending the morning at Aunt Babby's house playing with Aspen and bb Ellie. Looking back, we were out of the house "surviving" a lot this week. And we really needed that. Everyday life feels intense right now. It feels like life keeps going faster and I can't keep up, and again, it just leaves me feeling tired. I feel like I'm going to go shooting off the edge of the treadmill of life if I can't find the "slow down" button very soon. And we don't even have a ton going on. Just playing catch up after our move and dealing with lots of chronically grumpy attitudes. Is there a planet in retrograde or something?
^^Alice waking up in a rare happy mood after an afternoon nap--surely she sensed that Grandma and Grandpa were in the house.
^^My parents came for dinner on Saturday, and as the evening wound down Alice became increasingly grumpy. When Grandma and Grandpa were getting ready to leave, Alice insisted that she wanted to go home with them. Curious how this would play out since she is pretty attached to me, we let her get in the car with them and do a lap around the block before they dropped her back off with us. She was apparently so happy to have that one-on-one time with them in the car and came back home SO happy. It was cute and funny and I think she just needed a break from her family for a second. We've all been there.
^^Sunday dinner buddy.


The weeks of winter sicknesses have officially begun. I remember Jack being sick constantly during wintertime until he reached kindergarten and his immune system caught up. I have a feeling it will be the same song and dance with Alice. Little Miss had a fever all week. No throwing up, but a weak appetite and cold symptoms in addition to the fever. Her fever is gone now and she is making a good recovery, but we were a bit down-and-out all last week.

Speaking of Alice, we love that little lady so much. She has the funniest little personality. She's sweet with a side of spicy--mostly sweet but she has to have a little kick in her to survive growing up with Jack. She is so quirky and we just can't get enough of that about her. Her language is 80% slurps (my speech pathologist cousin says she holds her tongue too wide in her mouth and that's why; it will probably resolve itself, but if she's still slurp-talking by the time she's in kindergarten then I'm sure she'll be spending time with a speech pathologist. For now we adore the slurps.) She walks with a bit of a bounce, holding her elbows up to the sides, and she LOVES to dance and sing (squeezing her eyes shut when she's REALLY into a song). At home she wants to be within eyesight of mom at all times, but if we're out at a family gathering she'll kind of wander around and find toys and food to pick at and generally enjoy her independent explorations. If we're somewhere public, like the dinosaur museum, she would prefer to command me to "stay" (or "sssss" with a finger pointing at me and a slurp) while she runs around and up and down stairs/ramps for a while.   

Alice's most recent obsession, which started cute but is becoming problematic, is her obsession with making recipes of her own creation. This started out as playing in her play kitchen while I would cook meals, but at some point this last week (I think after I had the kids help me make muffins one day) she realized that she could mix together REAL FOOD, and now nothing else will suffice. When she points at our fridge and says, "Tea," I know I'm in trouble. "Tea" is short for "tea party," which means she is going to set her toy cups and plates around our table for all her cousins and grandma and grandpa, and mix up some snacks for a "tea party." The only way to avoid a meltdown after Alice has uttered the word "tea" is to open the fridge and let her choose 2-4 ingredients. I try and steer her toward produce that is getting old, but that doesn't always work. Then she will ask me for what sounds like a "Boo" but is actually a Bowl. 

While I'm getting her a mixing bowl she will find herself a spoon or fork to stir with. At this point I can generally get something done for 5 minutes while Alice adds her ingredients to a bowl and mixes them up, all the while making slurpy noises, and then she'll set the bowl on the table for us to have our tea party. She'll say the names of all the family members who are there in her imagination and then I'm required to take a few nibbles. For the most part, the recipes she comes up with have been decent combinations (strawberries and arugula one day, romaine and salami and a cheese stick the next day), but she's starting to venture into more adventurous territory and these tea parties are getting scarier (her latest creation was limp celery, raw eggs, and salami, which I am REQUIRED to sample. I feel like Craig in Malcolm in the Middle on the episode where his Helper Monkey turns on him and forces him to drink a Drain-o milkshake). 

Whelp, there goes my brevity. Anyway, we love Alice and are glad she's feeling better. The rest of us have cold symptoms but no fevers. I wanted to make note of mine and Jared's micro-car dates so we can remember to keep doing them in the future! We are seriously suffering from lack of quality time together. When we lived in Washington, we used to have Jared's full day off every Tuesday to have the morning together and squeeze in a date while Jack was at school and Alice was napping. Then we'd have an hour or two together in the evenings after the kids were in bed. Now Jared has a half-day off on Wednesdays, but since he works a bit of a commute away it ends up being just an hour or two together before Jack gets home. And between Jack's 3 weeks off of school and the random appointments we have to squeeze in to get our life in Utah set up (this last week it was an appointment to the DMV to get our Utah licenses), it's been a long time since we've really had time for each other instead of using that time for time-sensitive tasks. 

The lack of uninterrupted time together in the evenings has been a blow, too. I remember listening to a Q&A on a mom podcast last year. One of the questions asked about what was the hardest transition in parenting so far, or the most surprising. The podcaster answered that she and her husband were blindsided by their kids getting older and going to bed later, slowly encroaching on she and her husband's quiet evenings together until they were pretty much gone. I thought we'd have a few more years before that transition began, and I guess I assumed it would happen approaching the teenage years when Jack would want more separation from us, but it appears to already be upon us and he has no desire for more separation. It's probably time to adjust our expectations so we don't get annoyed at Jack every night for only sleeping 10 hours instead of 12 hours, when 10 hours is, unfortunately, within the acceptable range for his current age.

Jack has had trouble staying in his room after bedtime since we moved, which is something we're working on. Something that hasn't helped has been the loft and bedroom setup in this house. Jared's "dream house" floorplan included a two-story great room that you can look down on from an upstairs loft, which this rental house has. The problem is that the kids' bedrooms are just off the loft so we can hear every whine, cry, or giggle even while we're downstairs trying to forget we have kids for a minute. And Jack can easily sneak out of his room and be part of the downstairs action, staring down at us from the loft. It's difficult to maintain some separation in a floorplan this open. In our next house we're hoping for a bit more separation between the kids' rooms and the rest of the house. Glad we tried this floorplan on in a rental, because we're making note of some tweaks that would make everyday life flow better in our next home. 

But, car dates! One day last week was particularly tough with the kids. I put them in front of a show while I started making dinner, but I was in such a need of a break that I went out to my car to call and vent to Jared, who was driving home from work. About halfway through our conversation the garage door opened and Jared pulled in. Instead of going inside together, I got in the passenger seat of his car and we stayed and talked and laughed and commiserated about the kids together for 5-10 minutes. It was really nice to have a moment to feel connected when he got home from work, instead of him coming into the crazy that is two kids during witching hour and a frazzled me, at which point we never really have a moment to feel connected all evening. More car dates before Jared comes inside from work in 2025, please and thank you.

Some other highlights from our week were my mom coming to help organize our kitchen and stay with the kids while Jared and I had a DMV date. Thanks for helping me get the ball rolling, mom! We also had freshly homemade fettuccine at Chris's house for dinner one night. The invite came just in the nick of time--we weren't sure we could sit through one more grumpy dinner at home, so it was a relief and so fun to have dinner with my brother while the kids ran around contentedly with their cousins.

And now, some pictures from our week:

^^A children's museum date with my Al Gal before she came down with her fever.
^^Afternoon "tea"
^^Cleaning our church
^^Alice discovered the joy of magnetiles this week. She doesn't build up, but she really enjoys building "choo choo" tracks outward.
^^Savvy realizing she can see and communicate with all the neighborhood dogs from our bedroom window. I have a feeling this discovery is bad news for me. 

Sicky and Grumpy, our Two Dwarves

We have officially made it to the first year of the rest of our lives! I know we could say that every year, but this year it rings especially true. It feels good to, for the first time ever, be living somewhere we know we'll be for the long haul. We've had some wonderful adventures and now we're ready to settle in.

This might be basic, but your girl LOVES a new year. New Years is a reflective type of holiday and I'm a reflective type of person. I had such a peaceful New Years Eve. We didn't really make plans because I knew we'd be hosting all my siblings a few days later when my brother was in town and doing New Years types of activities with them then. Halfway through New Years Eve we were like, "Shoot, we should have invited my parents over!" We have such fond memories of New Years Eves spent with my parents in the various places we've lived, when they'd come visit us after the Christmas hustle. I really regret not having them over and carrying that tradition on (sorry Mom and Dad! We missed you!), but I have officially made note to get back on track for future years whenever possible.

We did play several games with Jack after dinner on New Years Eve, make informal vision boards of our goals and hopes for 2025, drive to a lookout spot two blocks from where we live to watch fireworks go off across the valley, and put Jack to bed a little later than usual (9:30). At this point I wrote down some resolutions with Jared and my sleepy lil' husband couldn't hang on anymore past about 10:15. He is such an outlier in our family. The rest of us would always rather stay up just a little longer! There's so much more to do in a day! But he would always rather go to sleep. It's honestly cute and I really wish my children inherited that trait, but alas. I do love when I can greet the New Year at midnight with Jared, but this year I was giddy to go downstairs and have two hours alone by our glowy Christmas tree to reflect and dream and plan.

It was peaceful and magical. I lit several candles, made myself cheese toast, got a bubbly drink, and parked myself in our living room where I could see the lights and fireworks of the valley twinkling and popping outside our big picture windows. We are getting VERY spoiled with the view from our rental house. There is a chance we will have great views from our next home, but honestly it probably won't be as good as the views in this home. You can see most of the valley from the main level of our house, and we get an entire unobstructed panorama view of the entirety of Utah Valley from the window of our primary bedroom upstairs. Because we're on the north side of the valley we get a full view of the sunrise AND sunset every morning and evening. We are feeling very happy with where we've landed and so far feel confident in our decision to build a home right next to our current neighborhood, hopefully by the end of the year. Jared has a bit of a commute to work, but it's nothing crazy (about half an hour in traffic), and the commute feels worth living in this location to both of us. (Not to mention home prices are a little lower on the Utah Valley side than if we decided to look closer to his work on the Salt Lake side.)

And that was our simple New Years Eve! The days since then have been filled with fun and cousin time. I am so grateful that we were able to be living in Utah during this extra long winter break out of school. The days went by so much more quickly and so much more fun hosting cousins and my parents and visiting fun spots with them. Here are some pictures from our week:

^^I will never get over waking up every morning and reaching up to pull open the curtains and see what type of sunrise is playing out right outside my window. 
^^We spent a day at Kangaroo Zoo with Cole, Chloe, and Caitlin. 2025 is the year of both my kids being old enough to play at and enjoy places like these. And there are SO MANY fun places for them to play nearby, even in the winter. We are feeling spoiled. 
^^New Years Eve games with our game-loving Jack! We are looking forward to Alice getting old enough to join in in future years. 
^^At midnight I woke Jared up for a minute to watch the firework display lighting up the entire valley below us. He didn't even have to get out of bed--we just drew the curtains and watched for a few minutes. The fourth of July fireworks are going to be incredible from here. 

^^Jordan and Amanda and Asher, Annie, and Eddie came to play!!! Just in the knick of time, too--Jack was asking me so many times every day when he'd be able to play with Asher. It was delightful to have most of my family over for a dinner of carnitas and Mexican rice (we missed you Peter and Abby!) and vision boarding for the new year. This is a fun home for hosting family. We send all the kids downstairs to play, and there's plenty of space on the main level to add an extra table for seating for everyone.
^^Gingerbread houses after New Years. We discovered that we are not cut out to build our own houses. They all fell apart. Next year we'll try and find some pre-built houses to decorate.
^^Dinosaur museum with cousins. Alice's favorite part was commanding me to "stay" while she ran up and down all the ramps.
^^The butterfly biosphere was a delight! It's probably my favorite Thanksgiving Point attraction yet. I thought it was just a room where you could hold butterflies, but there's an impressive indoor playground and much more.
^^Alice and Annie looking for butterflies. I am thrilled that Alice gets to have so many wonderful girl cousins all pretty close in age! There are six all within four years of each other so far.
^^The big kids
^^A butterfly landed right on top of Annie's bow! Felt like we were in a Disney movie. After we were done with the butterfly biosphere, my angel parents brought Chik-fil-a to our home and we hosted everyone for one last playdate. My sis-in-law Amanda is a genius at organizing and helped me get a jump start on deciding where to put things when we finish unpacking and reorganizing our kitchen in the next few weeks. 
^^This is random, but one evening we found ourselves stopping for ice cream at sub zero, just for fun. I'm sure I've said this already but it is WILD how many shops and restaurants are within a 6-minute drive of our house. Dozens and dozens of places to explore. We are doing a good job at pacing ourselves but it is really nice and novel for us to have so many options for a casual, quick family night on the town. Have I said enough how much we're loving where we've landed? Just in case I haven't:
^^we are officially shopping for our next home in the new-build community next to our rental! They are in the earliest stages of construction right now so it could be a year before we're actually choosing our home and moving, but community tours began this last week and we were quick to see what we could see. There are three homes being built that we were able to walk through, and one completely finished and furnished duplex we toured to see what the finishes will be like in these homes. The finishes are lovely and impressive and we are pretty committed to purchasing a home in the neighborhood. The dream is to have foothill trails we can walk to, which this area has. We also love that when we move, Jack won't need to make new friends and start over again. We will still be walking distance from all the friends he could make while we're in this rental, and he'll be going to the same school, still within walking distance. Amazing.
^^We spent an evening watching the sun set over Utah Lake. I can't believe we haven't done this sooner. One of the things I miss most about Washington are all the river and lake beaches our kids loved to explore. I forget that we still have that here! Maybe not as many, but the ones we have are wonderful. 

Well, I think I already broke my New Years Resolution for shorter blog posts, oops. Here's to a hopefully more boring week as Jack starts school so we can have a shorter post next week!

Happy New Year, 2025!


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