Summer Nights

Happy Labor Day! My parents are in town visiting, and we are having the best time. They spent their first night here at our house, where we had a mini retirement party for my dad and played Mario Party. The next day after church they checked into their VRBO lake house on Lake Roesiger for a few nights. We have had fun going over there for water play in the afternoons and dinner together. We had a little pre-birthday party with Alice while they're here. She was eating up the attention and even figured out how to blow out candles. Can't believe my baby girl will be two soon!

Jack starts school tomorrow. I haven't prepared . . . really at all. For so long I was strongly considering homeschooling him for the fall. Since we are going to be moving to Utah in less than two months, and are hoping to do a few little family Washington trips before then (starting with a cabin trip to Mt. Rainier with my parents later this week), it would in some ways be easier to just keep Jack home, do homeschool lessons in the morning, and start him in school after we move to Utah. But also . . . I've gotta get our house packed, and Jack is growing very restless at the end of his summer break. For the sake of making this move happen, homeboy's gotta go to first grade. 

Those are my main points for the week. And now for some pictures:

^^Washington state fair with Grandma Lambert and Uncle Will. Alice LOVED the cows.
^^Roller coaster with my boy (who did just get a haircut over the weekend for school)
^^Jack was so excited to get on the ferris wheel, and then immediately so scared. He handled it well though!
^^Grandma Lambert found Alice this adorable kitchen that someone in her neighborhood was giving away. 
^^At the lake house
^^Alice opening one of her presents--a pretend makeup kit. She always grabs my makeup out of my drawer. She has been ecstatic to play with this and made the cutest squeals of excitement as grandma showed her all the parts.

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