Big News

We made it home from Utah--with a job offer! And we've accepted it. We are feeling equal parts excited, overwhelmed, grateful, and heartbroken that our months in Washington are now numbered. It's wild how you can want something so deeply and for so long, but when it finally happens one of the top feelings that surfaces is sadness. I think I would feel less emo if we had more time. Jared's start date for his new job at a clinic in West Jordan will be December 1. This means we have less than 4 months to find housing in Utah, get our home ready to sell here, sell it, and pack everything up to move. I have a feeling there won't be much leisure time left for exploring and saying goodbye to Washington in the midst of all that. The housing search is proving to be even more complicated than we thought it would be. Houses in Utah are much more expensive than we thought, traffic/commute times are much worse than we thought, and as I detailed in my last post, Jared and I have differing priorities when it comes to choosing a house/location. Luckily, we made good progress on that front over the weekend. There are a few new areas/options for us to look into this week that we both feel excited about. Hopefully more news next week on that front. 

We're also coming to terms with the fact that everyday life in Utah might look different than the slow, rural lifestyle we've gotten used to and really enjoyed over the past 6 years. In sum, life feels simultaneously exciting and heavy right now. We're going to take it a day at a time. Here are a few pictures from our last week:

And some pictures from when we went blueberry picking at a little blueberry farm in our town on Saturday:

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