
It's getting late, but I wanted to publish a post before the end of the day--especially because tomorrow is Jack's last day of school and so writing time will be more difficult to come by for the next few months. We finally heard back about our "big career news" this week aaaaand . . . it was a bust. No job offer extended. Jared specialized in rural family medicine during residency, and the tricky thing with rural medicine is that oftentimes rural clinics are looking for a family physician who will also do OB work. Jared did get a fair amount of OB training during his residency and he delivered lots of babies, but he didn't specialize in OB, and he didn't like the higher-risk environment of delivering babies. The rural job he interviewed for in Utah ended up hiring a family physician with an OB fellowship instead of him. We wish they would have told us from the get-go that they were hoping for a family physician who would also deliver babies. In the end he wouldn't have been as happy in that type of job though, so the outcome is probably for the best. But it still stings to be turned down. 

There are no other job prospects on the table at this time, so for now we settle in for a gorgeous PNW summer, relax our pace a bit, and continue to keep our eyes peeled for Utah jobs. The pickings are a bit slim since our loan repayment plan requires Jared to work for a nonprofit hospital system at this time. Luckily Jared does love his job here and we do love the beauty in this area of Washington. Our town's not all that family friendly though and we wish our kids could grow up closer to their cousins and in a better school district than where we currently live. It's also just been a long time since I've lived close to my family, and even though home is wherever we are, I'm frankly feeling a bit homesick for where I grew up. It's officially been over a decade of living far away now. And I wish I could spend more time having lunches with my mother and grandmothers in Utah. Grateful to be close to Jared's parents here though and share lots of special moments with them. They are planning to retire to Utah in the coming years too though. So. Pros and cons to being here a while longer. Like with all places. A few pictures from our week:

^^The most stunning and clear double rainbow I've ever seen. This was as it was starting to fade, but for a while there we could actually SEE THE END OF THE RAINBOW. It was so bright. Of course the rainbow would move as you drove toward it, but you could actually see it fade into the road. So cool. 
^^Happy Father's Day! The theme was "World's Best Nap" day, because Jared loves a nap more than anyone I know and all he wanted for Father's Day was a great nap. We got him a fancy pillow, a silky pillowcase, and a new Brandon Sanderson book for him to read as he dozed off. It was a sweet day.
^^Alice tucking in some new stuffed friends that a neighbor girl gave her. Alice has been extra popular and pitied at the bus stop this week with her cast. She is handling it like a champ and completely back to her normal self. She's also back to trying to climb on tables, ugh.
^^Savvy has been extra naughty at meal times lately. She used to wait patiently by the table for any crumbs we might offer her at the end of a meal. Now she's constantly trying to jump up and grab Alice's morsels that frequently go flying off her plate. So we've been banishing her to the couch but it's not 100% effective and she just stares at us like this any time we eat. Probably time to start sending her away at meals. Sorry doggy dog. 

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