
I'm still playing catch-up from the week I accidentally skipped a blog post. So we have LOTS of pictures this week! Not too many life updates though. Jack is in his spring season of flag football and loving it. Alice learned how to say "no no" and it's actually very cute, and pretty helpful for her to be able to tell us what she doesn't want. It's crazy how fast she got to the point of understanding . . . pretty much every question we ask her. She doesn't have many words yet but can communicate quite a bit. Jared is enjoying his work. No news on that front. I got through the weekend, which included a doozy of a stake primary activity. It was three of us from the stake primary presidency and 40-50 kids playing gym games. A healthy kind of chaos! And now for too many pictures:

^^Hamming it up at the bus stop.
^^Alice learned how to say "cheese." It's more of a "zzzz."
^^We had a few days of warm weather and Alice was a water spigot girlie. 
^^Gr8 hair day. This was me and Jack on our date to the "sock hop" at his school. He wanted to grab a free hot dog, skip the dance, and play on the playground, but I told him if he asks a lady to a dance he'd better give her at least one dance, which he did. He was embarrassed to show me his best dance moves in front of everyone, but once we left the school and there were fewer people around he showed me. Let me tell you, those moves did NOT disappoint. It was so sweet to see his school through his eyes. The most magical part of the evening for him was being able to explore the furthest corners of the school field with me, since he's not allowed to go that far during recess. He was in awe. 
^^Date treat.
^^A lovely family walk

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