Out and About

Whew, another summer week down. I remember when summer was the most relaxing season ever. This year it mostly just feels like the most "survival mode" season ever. It's been good and hard trying to keep Jack out of the house as much as possible. I'm a homebody so I've never been the mom who operates this way, but for the first time ever we're leaving the house at least once and often twice each day. I'm trying to look at it as "forced summer adventures." Finding a new park, walking around Target to find swim goggles instead of making every household purchase through Walmart Grocery Pickup so I never have to enter a store with my children. Definitely makes life more interesting. 

But inevitably an "errand" type of outing results in intense whining about something Jack sees and wants but won't be getting. And honestly, the outdoor fun adventures also usually include a version of that too (huuuuge meltdown at the park this week because he wanted to go on a specific swing with me but the park was really crowded and it took an hour for him to get a turn). I know these struggles are age appropriate and good for him, but it's pretty wearing to either hold strong against or help him navigate the big 5-year-old feelings through these situations that come up seemingly 500 times a day. Poor guy misses preschool so much (he tells me every day), and I think that's what's behind a lot of the "having a hard time" moments. Luckily swim lessons start today. He was Christmas-Eve-level excited about it last night. 

But then there's Alice's car crying. My babies don't love car rides. Not stimulating enough for them or something. About 50% of any given car ride will likely include a crying Alice. So. We're getting through it. Maybe once we get into a stride these outings will be less tumultuous. 

The weather is nice though. And the babies are cute. Alice heads straight for the stairs whenever she can now that she's crawling. It's officially time to baby proof the house. 

^^Rocking chair hangs. When Alice finishes eating she always loves when I turn on her lamp and she can touch it. Then she explores her room while I catch my breath for a second before Jack comes barging in.
And now a video of Jack carrying Alice down the hallway like he does. 
("Alice, you're as light as a fevver! [feather]")
And a video of Alice army crawling straight for the stairs like she does:

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