Baby Shower and a Summer Fun List

I hosted my first baby shower over the weekend--it turned out great! But I stressed and prepped for it waaaay too much over the span of waaaaaay too many weeks. If I was in a different phase of life it probably would have been fun, but in this sleep deprivation stage with 2 very needy kids . . . there was some bitterness about all the late nights and quiet time hours given to the party. So my takeaway is to hold off on hosting any more showers for a few more years. Here are a few pictures though, with a sneak peak of our nearly finished built-ins:

There was a great turnout of wonderful women from our ward. There was a loose theme of "Sprinkled with Love," since this was a baby sprinkle and my friend who is having the baby loves donuts with sprinkles. The food was breakfast casserole, donuts, fruit salad, Costco muffins, and a veggie platter. The drinks were milk, chocolate milk, juice, and water. I ended up with waaaaaay too much food and drink. Probably 4 times too much of everything, even considering there was a better turnout than I was expecting. But seeing as it was my first shower I've hosted, that was probably to be expected and now we have several days worth of food ready to eat, yay. Mostly everyone just chatted and snacked, but I had "baby trivia" and "baby family feud" activities, plus a coloring page for each guest that I made into "Baby's First ABC Book." All three of these activities went in a clipboard on separate shelves in the built-ins, since they haven't bene styled yet, and each guest grabbed a clipboard. Loved how smooth that was. Anyway, feels like summer now that the party is over and Jack is in his last week of preschool. 

Speaking of summer, me and Jack made a list of things we'd like to do this summer. I'm hoping to take a BIG step back from home/life projects to enjoy the summer and better prioritize sleep. So here is our summer fun list, followed by some pictures from our week:


-Have a backyard campout
-Go mini golfing
-Run through the sprinklers
-Hike to Lake 22
-Make a campfire and s'mores in the mountains
-Get a snow cone
-Find a splash pad
-Picnic in park
-Have a pajama day with a readathon
-Meet dad for lunch at/near work
-Pick berries
-Kayak or canoe on a nearby lake
-Take family pictures
-Swim in the ocean
-Outdoor movie night
-Read a fiction book on the patio
-Have an amusement park date with Jared 
-Hike Old Robe Trail
-Make pizza on my new smoker
-Get Alice sleeping through the night
-Go camping in a pop-up trailer
-Spend an afternoon at a nearby swimming hole

^^After the baby shower, all I wanted was a fun family outing. We went to a nearby river beach, where Jared buried Alice's legs and she ate fistfuls of sand (oops). The perfect summer kickoff!

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