
Well hello! Apologies for missing my regular Monday post. We drove all through the night to make it back to Washington after a wonderful week in Utah. We spent Monday catching up on sleep. Today I planned to write a blog post of our Utah highlights while Jack was at preschool. Unfortunately, Jared and I went for what was supposed to be a "quick" walk after dropping Jack off, but we ended up stranded for 3 hours before a tow truck came to the rescue. I'll quickly summarize, and then hopefully tomorrow I will do a Utah recap while Jack is at preschool.

Jared had lots of work to catch up on and prep for today, but we decided to carve out a little time for a short hike together after Alice's nap. We went somewhere new, about a 15 minute drive from our house. The empty parking lot was riddled with pot holes and the weather was chaotic (rain turned to snow turned to hail turned to sleet). But we had this cutie with us and were making the most of it:

By the end of our hike we were wet and tired. We threw Savvy in the car first, and by the time the rest of us had buckled in the windows were all fogged up from her warm dog breath. Undeterred, Jared started the engine and began to turn the car around as the windows started defrosting. Almost immediately there was a deafening CRUNCH and the car stopped moving. We hopped out of the car to find that we had driven on top of a large gravely/cementy mound and were practically high-centered on top of it, with our front wheels freely spinning when we unsuccessfully tried to put the car in reverse. 

Jared tried every which-way to get the car down while I nursed a frantic Alice in the back seat. Eventually we realized the best route would be to call AAA, which we luckily began paying for about a year ago when I was pregnant and both of our cars were having issues. There was a moment of stress when Jared's phone screen started giving up while he tried to navigate his AAA app. He cracked his screen while we were in Utah, but it's been mostly fine until it got wet on our walk. He was able to submit a request, but it would be an hour or two before they could send someone to help. In the meantime, I needed to get Alice home for a nap and Jack needed to be picked up from preschool. I called a friend from our ward to pick me and Alice up while Jared and Savvy waited for a truck to come pull our car off the mound. All's well that ends well, and even though it put a damper (literally) on our afternoon, we are grateful to be home and happy. Jared's parents came up and we went to dinner with them and his brother Will before he goes back to Idaho for another semester of college. We are grateful to have family who love us in Utah and here in Washington. I'll be back again tomorrow evening with a blog post including pictures from last week!

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