No Rice, Rice Baby

Happy February! I was able to trial 3 new foods last week to see if any were bothering Alice, so there are only a handful left to test. She failed rice miserably (I tested twice to make sure it wasn't a fluke--she was inconsolable for 48 hours after each trial). But she passed coconut and cocoa! I'd rather cut out rice for the next few months than cocoa or coconut (coconut milk is a great substitute when you're avoiding dairy). So far the only definitive fails have been soy, dairy, and now rice. All three of which we'll probably be able to add back into her diet without issue around the time she turns a year old. Now that we're a full month out from cutting soy and dairy, and now that we're a few days past our rice trial, Alice is the sweetest, chillest, happiest baby! She has been a little joy all weekend. Jared and I spent alllll of Saturday building custom bookshelves in next to our fireplace. Jack played Minecraft and Alice just sat there and watched us with a smile on her face. It was shocking. We still have a ways to go on the built-ins, but I'll share pictures when they're done. For now, enjoy this little photo shoot of Alice growing right out of my favorite 0-3 month outfit of hers. She's definitely too big for it here, but I wanted to get a few pictures before packing it away with all the rest of her 0-3 month clothes. The time goes fast! 


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