The Summer Scaries

Happy summer! Not gonna lie, we're less than a week in and summer is kicking my TRASH. I'm feeling decent most of the time so I'm trying to hold onto that and be grateful that at least I'm not going stir crazy AND barfing. I was kind of excited for Jack to be done with preschool so I could live in sweats for the rest of my pregnancy and not worry about getting him ready either, but woof. I forgot what it's like to be home with a Jack all day every day, especially now that he's taking zero naps per day and it's a struggle to enforce his one hour of quiet time in the afternoon. He's an awesome kid and so much fun at this age, but he is a big-time extrovert (energized by and loves to be around people 100% of the time) and I am a big-time introvert (energized by alone time always--this served me well through Jared's med schooling haha). He would prefer my attention every minute of the day if he could get it, but nope. Over the weekend I made and printed out a summer schedule to hopefully get us in a better groove. The weather is getting nicer and we're starting to have sunny days here and there, so I'm pumped to be able to spend more time playing in our backyard soon.  
 ^^There's a cute donut shop in Lake Stevens that we've been meaning to try since we moved here a year ago, but me and Jared always think of it during our Monday dates, and it's closed on Mondays. We stopped by over the weekend half an hour before they closed, and even though we only paid for a half dozen donuts, we were the only ones in the shop and the girl working there stuffed a box full of over a dozen donuts of all kinds. And they weren't just quantity donuts, they were quality donuts. So good. Some of the best donuts I've ever had. We walked our box across the street to a picnic table by a park and the lake. Gr8 Saturday vibes. 
^^Post water-balloon fight popsicles.
^^We made a very basic volcano and it killed all the dinosaurs. Yay. 
^^Jack blowing me a kiss from the window on his last day of preschool. We had such a great experience with this preschool and he'll be going back next year. I'm sad about all the friends he's made that graduated to kindergarten but I know he'll have no trouble making new friends next year. 
^^A good $17 Costco purchase. 

That's about it! Nothing too exciting coming up this week. Today we're going to Jared's brother's high school graduation. Then I need to decide on a wallpaper and/or paint for the nursery so I can take advantage of these last few functional 2nd-trimester weeks to get some projects done. Third trimester was pretty miserable with Jack so trying to keep my expectations for what I'll be able to get done in check. 

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