Do or Die Week Again

Hi! I'm here. I made it. I predict there might be a skipped blog post next week or the week after. We're getting into the fiery furnace zone of pregnancy nausea. Weeks 8-12 can be pretty heavy, and I'll be 8 weeks along tomorrow. I thought I was going to avoid the depths of despair, but we're getting dangerously close. I'm on maximum nausea meds but over the weekend I started to have all-day nausea anyway. The to-do list is officially on hold until probably April at the earliest. I'm at the point where if I find myself with a free moment during Jack's preschool, I'm probably going to spend that free moment trying to black out/take a nap. Maybe trying to force-feed myself something protein-rich because I'm at the point where eating is a chore that I have to do frequently or the nausea will spiral out of control. I'm still much better off than I was at this point last pregnancy, so counting my blessings. I'm still able to sleep through the night without my nausea waking me up, for which I'm very grateful. Week 8, let's do this!

p.s. Happy Birthday to my dear sweet mother! Wish I was there and not sick so we could go party. But for this year, a video chat's gonna have to do. You the real MVP for birthing 5 children! Ain't gonna happen for this lady!

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