Halloween Weekend 2021

 Happy November! I have a looot of pictures and it's 10:00 at night, so this will probably be a big photo dump with some brief captioning. 

^^Jack has been asking to do a sleepover at Grandma's since we did our Coldplay date and didn't stay overnight. So we decided to do a sleepover over Halloween weekend and spend the holiday together. On Saturday Jared's dad took us to the Seattle zoo. My favorite section was the PNW animals section with white wolves and enormous elk roaming around. There was also a bit of zoo trick-or-treating for Jack.
^^I need to buy some new jeans but keep forgetting until it's time to put on jeans and this is the only option. Oops. 
^^We went to Jared's family's ward trunk or treat. Shockingly, this was my very first trunk or treat. It was more fun and less intimidating than I expected. Jack had a blast. His official costume was supposed to be a dragon, but he chickened out last minute and didn't want to put it on. Good hting I brought a cowboy hat and boots for backup. I don't really know what Jared was but we had a fake beard and this cool nightgown for him haha.

^^On Halloween day we mostly spent time with Jared's family, but Jack was so excited to do some real trick-or-treating at houses so we did a couple houses along their street. Everyone was very sweet to Jack and I was very excited when he asked if he could wear his dragon costume. 
^^After trick-or-treating we feasted on this very fun and festive table Jared's mom put together. We had spiderweb soup, hand pies, black bat wings (chicken wings with black food coloring), and jello in syringes. Very fun. I made a salad, but the only festive part was my attempt at cutting the carrot slices into pumpkins haha. 
^^And a few more pics of trick-or-treating from my phone, because it was such a lovely night. It was probably our last calm year trick-or-treating just the three of us together, with Jack just barely old enough to grasp and get so excited about trick-or-treating in his dragon costume. What a sweet memory. The neighborhood Jared's parents are currently living in is predominantly Indian. It was so cute walking around with the other little trick-or-treaters in their native Indian accents, and the parents were the sweetest handing out candy to Jack, asking him all about his cool dragon costume and light-up shoes. Jack has never been more in his element.  
^^Dragon Jack upset about something, hiding by a tree. Cutie. 
^^Jack and Grandpa Lambert. We had a great time, and it was wonderful to have some family to spend the holiday with! Meanwhile, two of my brothers and sisters-in-law added new little girls to their families over the weekend. We can't wait to meet our two new nieces someday! A great weekend all the way around. 

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