Pizza Steel and Realtor of Steel

What a day! Crazy enough of a day that this post will probably solely be about today, and that I'm writing this on my phone from the bath because I spent the last 4 hours on my feet teaching myself to make authentic Neopolitan margherita pizza. After some troubleshooting, I'd say it was a major success. I used an Amazon gift card from Christmas to buy a pizza steel. This was my first time making really any pizza and the magic of the pizza steel speaks for itself (but next time I'll use it on a cooler day so my house doesn't have to reach a million degrees to preheat the steel to 550F):
Took Jack to Jared's clinic today for a wellness check. He was a champ and didn't need any shots. Then I got my first wellness check in years. Knocked out a breast exam, pap smear, blood draw, and wart removal all at once. Felt like a real boss lady afterward and I didn't even pass out. Adulting real hard. (Nevermind that Jared made the appointment for me because I'm too much of a wuss to take the initiative to schedule doctor appointments for myself. Thanks boo.)

I had a nice strategy chat with our Washington realtor today. Last week I put on my researching cap (love me a good research sesh) and found us the best realtor in Snohomish county. (I hope. Will report back if/when we buy a house.) I want to be her when I grow up. She has two undergrad degrees with empheses in architecture and interior design, and a law degree to top it off. And she just had twins. Don't know why she decided to go into real estate, but she's killin it out there. And as she said, "Everyone in this part of Washington has multiple graduate degrees. The competition's going to be fierce." Fun. 

The only drawback is also what drew me to her in the first place, and that is that she is so strategic and aggressive that Jared at times feels pressured and his reflex is to want to slam on the breaks and hire someone less gung-ho. But she knows that our timeline is very short (we'll be homeless in 3 weeks) so she's pulling out all the stops to try and help us find a place as quickly as possible. I feel so relieved to have her on our team. We need her kind of force to balance our more passive personalities and our short timeline in this aggressive market. We're driving up to check out the area and hopefully find a house we love later this week. Supply is limited and competition is fierce, but we're hoping for the best (the housing market up there is similar to the housing market in Utah right now--very low supply, very high demand).

So that was my day! Off to pack a suitcase and take Savvy for a sunset walk. Long live Wyoming and her beautiful, quiet sunsets.

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