We're moving to . . . Washington?

I'm going through a pretty bad insomnia phase and last night was the worst one yet (couldn't fall asleep until 4:30 a.m., despite going to bed at a reasonable hour). So I'll really try to keep this one short and sweet so I can squeeze in a nap before Jack wakes up from his nap. It's a crime how little time you get to yourself to recharge with young kids (and I just have the one--terrified to find out how that recharge time dwindles even more when we add another). 

So . . . forget my last year's worth of posts about preparations to move to Utah. It's looking like Washington state is the forerunner now. In fact, we were going to sign a Washington job contract last night, but we had a couple questions about the contract that we shot them instead, and we're waiting to hear back about those first. It's an amazing contract. Checks absolutely every box for Jared's dream job, plus perks, except that it's not in Utah. But it is just a half hour from Jared's parents, so honestly it's basically a best-case scenario as far as not signing in Utah goes. I'll go into more details if/when we sign the contract and it's official. 

Jared's a wreck, and I feel sort of responsible since I'm the one who vetoed signing the contract last night. Hence the not sleeping. I suggested we shouldn't sign the contract until we hear back about certain items. One of which is that the contract included a start date in mid-September, but they said they could be flexible on that. We're done here at the end of June so a start date in August would make more sense. But since we're pretty late in the game for signing a done-with-training contract, Jared is suuuuper paranoid that some other sneaky applicant is somehow going to swipe this dream job out from under us before they get back to us about start date and we can officially sign. It's probably not a big deal at all (the job posting sat on the physician job board for two months, so I highly doubt there's competition), but Jared's anxiety levels have me feeling like it's an enormous deal that we delayed the process to ask a few questions. I know in my rational mind that it's going to be absolutely fine, but in my sleep-deprived mind there are riots and burning buildings. If the contract somehow does fall through then that's on me and I'd probably never forgive myself. So, melatonin it is tonight! Maybe even a fat dose of benadryl. Prayers for a speedy and successful contract signing process appreciated! 

No relevant pictures this week, but enjoy these of Jack playing with his marble run. I think I like playing with this toy even more than he does. Give me alllll the engineering toys (my other favorite is his wooden train track). When I first started college I wanted to pursue mechanical engineering, and honestly sometimes I still think that would've been a great fit. This is the first marble run Jack successfully built almost entirely on his own. I'm so proud. *wipes away a single tear*

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