Jack & Asher's Construction Party

Jack and his closest cousin Asher were born 6 days apart. Asher had his third birthday while we were in Utah, and since Jack's isn't far behind, my sister-in-law Amanda and I threw them a joint birthday party at my parents' house. We went with a construction theme, since they are both mega obsessed with tractors and dump trucks. 
Amanda killed it with the decorations and delicious cupcakes. I took on food and games. Everything turned out great. I will say, I'm a bit of a lazy parent so I kind of hope Jack's young enough that he won't remember the birthday bar being set this high when his next birthday comes around haha.

We started the party with games. Jared made a "Pin the Tire on the Construction Truck" board. It was just janky enough to be amazing. The kids loved it. 
^^My cousin's oldest girl, Sadie. There were 5 kids at the party (all family), which felt like a good covid number. Jack, Asher, Sadie, Lacey, and Cole. 
^^My oldest brother's son, Cole. Such a sweetie. I can't wait for him to be a year older so he can run around and play with Jack and Asher more. 
^^Jack was PUMPED about his "Struction Party." He loved every minute until we got to presents at the end and his missed nap started hitting him in the feels. 
^^Next we played an equally janky/amazing construction pin bowling. I went to 5 stores looking for a toy bowling set with no luck, so last minute Jared made one from empty soda cans and orange crepe paper. Next to Amanda's legit, well-planned decorations our games were a bit laughable. The kids loved them though!
After games we had dinner, a "build your own burger" bar.
Next came presents. This was the point at which all the kids started to get tired, but it was still a success.
^^My cute nieces Annie (with the pin-the-tire) and Emery (living her best mango life). 
^^Nana Roper gifted them the cutest books. Jack has been requesting them nonstop and must have read them ten times on our drive home to Casper yesterday.
One of my favorite moments from the night was my brother Peter lighting the candles with a blowtorch and Jack and Asher looking so concerned haha. I should've gotten more pictures of their faces during this. So classic. 
It was the third birthday party of Jack and Asher's dreams! I'm so happy my social butterfly could celebrate it with family. Here's to many more post-residency birthday parties with family down the road. 

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