Dead Corn Maze

On Saturday we took Jack to a corn maze. It was very overpriced, but only half as much as Cornbellies, and also the only corn maze/fall activity within a 4-hour radius. Yay Wyoming. We actually love Wyoming, but if there's something we can't find in Casper, our next closest option would probably be 4 hours away, most likely in Denver. So off we went To Green Acres, a farm past the airport. Us along with everyone else in town. It must be the only kid-friendly activity around this time of year, because all our neighbors were there. 

We started off with a tractor ride to the other side of the farm. 
Then Jack's favorite part--all the animals! There were ducks and furry pigs and donkeys and llamas and bunnies. 
We also played some tetherball. 
And Jack hated every second of this swing. 
Jack conned us into getting some rainbow kettle corn (it was actually amazing, so no regrets), and then we went through the corn maze. 
The corn was all dead because of the week-long freeze/snowstorm we had a month ago. But it was still fun. Jack and Jared took turns hiding around the corners and jumping out to scare each other. 
We finished our morning out with another tractor ride and then Jack found some toy dump trucks to play with. Which led to us having to drag him away from the farm kicking and screaming a few minutes later since it was already past his nap time and we had a longish drive home ahead of us. It was a really fun morning! Jack loved it, memories made, all that good stuff. We have crazy high winds forecast here all week so I'm sure the leaves will all be gone by the end of it. Glad we made the most of the season while it lasted. Happy Fall!

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