Roper Reunion 2020

Utah is giving us life! Me and Jack came down last weekend for a low-key one-day Roper family reunion. It was the perfect time to get out of Wyoming since Jared's been working 100 hours a week and now has some Covid patients (as of the day after we left). Yay. Tim was nice enough to fly to Casper to make the drive with me and Jack. Made the 7-hour trek go by much better than it would have alone! Here was our last prairie sunset with our favorite guy:
I haven't had a day as fun as the reunion in years. Like, since before Jack was born. It was SO FUN. There were some extreme swings, an enormous waterslide, a tractor pull for the kiddos, a sketchy tree boardwalk, and a pond with a zipline, high dive, and rope swing. And the best part of all, Jack is now old enough that he was able to keep fairly self-entertained playing with his cousin Asher so I could actually enjoy myself! Nothing better than little boys in bucket hats. (Note Jack in his favorite "Guicky Mouse" shirt)
It was amazing to catch up with some family I haven't seen a long time, and to just be out in the middle of nowhere up in Cornish. I think I cried a little on the drive home, it was so pretty. Leave it to Utah to have a neverending supply of beautiful places that I've never been before. 
Jack loved riding the tractor pull. All of these "rides" were probably handmade by the owner. Nothing fancy, but everything was so so fun. We all agreed that this was the best family reunion yet, despite lower numbers and a few extra precautions due to Covid.
Other than poor Benson's broken arm (he went flying off one of the extreme swings), it was a perfect day. I can't wait to make it back again next year with Jared!

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