
Hello! We had a pretty boring/typical week. Jared had to work a 24-hr shift from Friday into Saturday, and then he slept all day Saturday. These long shifts usually don't bother me too much, but this time was extra rough for some reason. Jack spent most of the morning watching Cars while I sulked. I think there are two explanations for my bad attitude: 

(1) Senioritis. Jared starts his last year as a resident today (!!!), and while it's very exciting to have made it this far, we all of a sudden feel very done. Done with long hours, done with weekend and overnight shifts, done with having no say in where we live, done with saving our limited vacation time for interviews, done with being far from family. I'm anxious for Jared to sign for his next job so we can start planning and getting excited for our next move. It will probably be several more months before anything's decided, so in the meantime we'll try testing the waters in Utah Valley. We want to see if we can get a glimpse into the job market there now that Jared's officially in his final year of training. It's an interesting time to be job hunting, what with covid. Many people are hesitant about hiring, but with so many older doctors retiring we know there should be an even bigger need for primary care physicians soon. 

(2) Jared started a new rotation today, and this weekend felt like the beginning of several rough months ahead. He'll work for six weeks as the senior resident in the hospital, with more responsibility and a heavier work load than ever before, plus he'll have to work 24-hr shifts every other weekend. I will most definitely be running away to Utah halfway through this shift to get some family time, summer time, reunion time...all the good stuff. 
^^Jack's favorite hobbies include playing with his cars and trains. He also loves hiking and exploring, but he is so difficult to wrangle into a carseat that I rarely have it in me to make that happen for him.
^^Smoothie boi
Some highlights from this week:

-Playing bocce ball in our very own backyard on our very own grass! It might not be the prettiest grass in the world, but we are so proud of all the work we've done to get it to this point. Last summer Jared built that fence with his own two hands, and this summer he finished seeding and growing the back lawn. We don't have a sprinkler system so it will continue to be a lot of work to keep it watered throughout the summer, but this will be our last summer here, so it's ok. We've learned a lot of lessons from doing our own backyard, like to hire someone else to do it next time. Also, sod. Also, sprinklers. We couldn't have afforded any of that this time around, so at least we got to learn some new skillz.

-Jared gave me a covid trim. He's great at cutting men's hair and he's always insisted that he could cut mine, so I decided to give him a test run. He did pretty good! I mean, not great. But pretty good. I'll go to a hairdresser next time, but for a covid cut I really don't mind it.

-Jack started calling the dog "Savvy" instead of "Ya-ya." This actually breaks my heart. Jared's trying to prolong it by calling her "Ya-ya," but I think it's a losing battle. My lil' Jacky boy is growing up :']

-I'm going to call it a highlight that Natrona County still only has one patient hospitalized for covid symptoms. Total cases are increasing, but I'm glad most people are able to bounce back quickly, especially with Jared starting his hospital rotation this week. We'll continue to wear masks when we're out and about (which isn't often). I'm grateful that we haven't been affected too much by all this so far! I guess if we're going to be forced to stay home, it may as well be during the years when we were already staying home anyway because of Jared's work schedule and Jack's age.

-Jared told me he signed up to work two extra shifts doing healthcare at the jail EVERY WEEK this year on top of his already crazy schedule (not a highlight). When he told me I kinda fell apart. The highlight is that I feel zero guilt about loosening up a tiny bit on spending with the extra money he'll be making doing this. If it weren't for covid I think I could've finagled myself a little Hawaiian vacation out of the whole ordeal. Anyway, this week I ordered a book I've been wanting for a few months now: The Curated Closet Workbook. I'm excited to hone in on my own personal style and donate much of my wardrobe in favor of curating my closet down to the pieces I really love. I have a feeling that will include lots of jumpsuits, t-shirt dresses, and graphic tees for the summer--the easiest things to wear as a full-time mom while still feeling put together. It's an exciting life.

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